Election Night Results....

700UW said:
Are you sure about that?
62% of Americans chose not to vote at all and one of the lowest midterm turnout in history.
You're whining like Obama now.
62% said screw it, whats the use anymore.
Lowest turnout with the biggest outcome since 2010.
The ones that showed up and voted make the difference.
Ms Tree said:
You're equating East German dictators with 'left wingers"?  Get a grip. Neither party is interested in doing that....  It's no wonder nothing is going to get done about it.
"Get a grip."...? Perhaps it's you that should finally attempt that feat.  I'm merely a student of mankind's actual, rather than your politically "correct" and wholly fantasized history. I've no candy-coated delusions as to the nature of our species...No matter. Kindly then argue any possible case that the likes of Stalin and Mao weren't in any shape or form, the ultimate "left wingers"? Would you care to read some of their speeches that so strangely sound much the same as obama's? The only difference being that the actually successful dictators put some spine into their presentations. ;)
"Neither party is interested in doing that....  It's no wonder nothing is going to get done about it." No argument there, and so much for the true value of those "parties."
"...and fools like you and South would rather murder people." Sigh! Grow up. Take at least a tour of a battlefield someday. Allow the limits of your childishly stunted imagination to expand a bit while doing so, and then get back to us all on assinine notions as to who "would rather murder people", why it's sometimes a sad necessity, and for what reasons. You could start with just this one:
southwind said:
#1 Sniper towers was a joke, though I'm sure they would be a great deterrent, on people entering the country "IILEGALLY"!
#2 Just because the tide has turned, please don't act like you weren't on board with BaRack granting amnesty or is it in the new Liberal Demorat handbook, to distance yourself as far away from him as possible?
#3 I believe Illeagal Aliens are a bigger issue, this time around, for the GOP.
Quit living in fantasy world.  Neither party want the illegals deported or the borders secured.  Both parties have to much at stake and want to maintain the status quo.   I think things will remain the same.  No one will be granted amnesty and very few will be deported.  
Both parties have had the chance to do something when they were in control and neither did anything.  That should tell you something.
Ms Tree said:
Quit living in fantasy world.  ......
Both parties have had the chance to do something when they were in control and neither did anything.  That should tell you something.
it certainly should, and yet the "left" continually fantasizes that their idiots are somehow "better"...? Think about that a bit. Tell us all even ONE reason the "messiah" obama did NOTHING to dismantle the "Patriot Act", and instead strove mightily to even increase guv-mint's control over individual citizens...?
EastUS1 said:
"Get a grip."...? Perhaps it's you that should finally attempt that feat.  I'm merely a student of mankind's actual, rather than your politically "correct" and wholly fantasized history. I've no candy-coated delusions as to the nature of our species...No matter. Kindly then argue any possible case that the likes of Stalin and Mao weren't in any shape or form, the ultimate "left wingers"? Would you care to read some of their speeches that so strangely sound much the same as obama's? The only difference being that the actually successful dictators put some spine into their presentations. ;)
"Neither party is interested in doing that....  It's no wonder nothing is going to get done about it." No argument there, and so much for the true value of those "parties."
"...and fools like you and South would rather murder people." Sigh! Grow up. Take at least a tour of a battlefield someday. Allow the limits of your childishly limited imagination to expand a bit while doing so, and then get back to us all on assinine notions as to who "would rather murder people", why it's sometimes a sad necessity, and for what reasons. You could start with just this one:
Good grief.  You've really lost touch.  The fact that you see them as equal is ludicrous.  Believe what you want.
Illegals are now the equal of the revolution?  You really are nuts.
EastUS1 said:
it certainly should, and yet the "left" continually fantasizes that their idiots are somehow "better"...? Think about that a bit. Tell us all even ONE reason the "messiah" obama did NOTHING to dismatnle the "Patriot Act", and instead strove mightilly to even increase guv-mint's control over individual citizens...?
Yea yea.  Same old tune.  Left bad right good.  Try finding a new tune.  This one is boring.
Ms Tree said:
Good grief.  You've really lost touch.  The fact that you see them as equal is ludicrous.  Believe what you want.
Illegals are now the equal of the revolution?  You really are nuts.
"Illegals are now the equal of the revolution?" Oh hardly, and that doesn't even amount to a half point for a "nice try" on your part.  You assigned the assinine fantasy that I was a huge fan of murdering people. All I did was point out that defending one's home has always been seen as reasonable justifcation for the taking of life.
Ms Tree said:
Yea yea.  Same old tune.  Left bad right good.  Try finding a new tune.  This one is boring.
I think both political parties are currently just bought-and-paid-for puppets of much more moneyed and actually powerful interests. "Bread and Circuses" for the masses to be continually baffled by, and nothing more. Perhaps you should attempt a "new tune" instead...Anything including even a shred of "logic" would be a refreshing change. ;) Hey!..If I'm wrong, there should be sweeping changes to come in even just a few months...but somehow, I won't hold my breath for such. How'd all that "Hope and Change" really work out for anyone...except the corrupt banking/auto/etc execs that pocketed many millions of taxpayers' money for their utter failures, of course?..and wasn't that all done (more billions directly handed to corrupt business interests than EVER before in history) under the "leadership" of a way-cool-dude-unicorn-riding "liberal"...?
EastUS1 said:
"Illegals are now the equal of the revolution?" Oh hardly, and that doesn't even amount to a half point for a "nice try" on your part.  You assigned the assinine fantasy that I was a huge fan of murdering people. All I did was point out that defending one's home has always been seen as reasonable justifcation for the taking of life.
Dress it and put lipstick on it if you want to.  Supporting the murder of unarmed civilians crossing the border is just asinine.  
Ms Tree said:
Dress it and put lipstick on it if you want to.  Supporting the murder of unarmed civilians crossing the border is just asinine.  
Hey, I was/am fine with just immediately arresting and deporting them. A point of curiosity though: How do you even presume to know they're all unarmed? Do you even EVER take a moment's step outside of Fantasyland? How 'bout you get to the border and show us all how it really "should" be done?
EastUS1 said:
I think both political parties are currently just bought-and-paid-for puppets of much more moneyed and actually powerful interests. "Bread and Circuses" for the masses to be continually baffled by, and nothing more. Perhaps you should attempt a "new tune" instead...Anything including even a shred of "logic" would be a refreshing change. ;) Hey!..If I'm wrong, there should be sweeping changes to come in even just a few months...but somehow, I won't hold my breath for such. How'd all that "Hope and Change" really work out for anyone...except the corrupt banking/auto/etc execs that pocketed many millions of taxpayers' money for their utter failures, of course?..and wasn't that all done (more billions directly handed to corrupt business interests than EVER before in history) under the "leadership" of a way-cool-dude-unicorn-riding "liberal"...?
It worked out better than having McCain or Romney in the WH.  Many voted against them (like I did) and not for Obama.  If the GOP runs a bigger idiot than the Dems do, many will vote against that one as well.
You should read history a little closer.  You have the wrong unicorn rider.  Not surprising, you get a lot of stuff wrong.
Ms Tree said:
You should read history a little closer.
You should try living a bit of actual history, but I'm all ears as to specifics on where I've stated anything incorrectly?...?
EastUS1 said:
Hey, I was/am fine with just immediately arresting and deporting them. A point of curiosity though: How do you even presume to know they're all unarmed? Do you even EVER take a moment's step outside of Fantasyland? How 'bout you get to the border and show us all how it really "should" be done?
I know, you and south would love to.  Business and the political parties don't.  What else do you have?  You are not alone.  I suspect quite a few would regret the decision after they start paying more for their produce, houses, lawn care and all the other services the illegals provide.  
You really suck at reading comprehension or perhaps you just ignore what people write so that you can create your own narrative.  I never said anything about the border.  In fact in the past I have said several times that securing the border does not make sense and would be prohibitively expensive.  If you bothered to read what I wrote a few posts back you would have read that I suggested clamping down on the job providers.  I guess that does not play into your juvenile baiting/trolling.
Ms Tree said:
Business and the political parties don't.
What's your point?...Other than inadvertently agreeing with me that both political parties are just pawns of serious money?

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