Election Night Results....

Hello3B said:
Question for both sides. Do you think a libertarian on the ballot draws voters away from the Republican and in a close race gives the Democrat the win? I see in some races the votes a Libertarian draws is greater than the margin between the Dem and Republican. One might the Dems are eager to have a Libertarian on the ballot.
According to the Libertarian Party's internal polling it's about a 50-50 split.
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Not sure how I missed it, but did MA just elect a GOP governor again?...
delldude said:
They had MANPADS from an Obama arms deal 'south O the border......
I can't wait to see Obama leave office.
I am sure he is looking forward to hanging out with his racist pal Jeremiah Wright and his commie buddy Valerie Jarrett.
Good riddance. 
Of course the libtards are all too ready to ignore Obama's past.
I wonder way the IRS hasn't taken this man's tax exempt status away from him? ------ Preachers are not supposed to politicize from the pol put!!! ------ Oh yea! He knows the Pres! And that law only applies to white conservatives!
SparrowHawk said:
According to the Libertarian Party's internal polling it's about a 50-50 split.
I find that hard to believe since the Libertarians tend to believe in smaller government as do a lot of Rebublicans.  A vote for a Libertarian candidate is  better spent on a Republican. 
Hello3B said:
I find that hard to believe since the Libertarians tend to believe in smaller government as do a lot of Rebublicans.  A vote for a Libertarian candidate is  better spent on a Republican.
On the same note they also want to legalize any and all drugs, abortion, and be able to marry whoever you want. That's how they side with democrats too.
Black Magic said:
On the same note they also want to legalize any and all drugs, abortion, and be able to marry whoever you want. That's how they side with democrats too.
And the problem with that is ......?????
Robert Reich


I was in the Clinton administration Election Day 1994 when Democrats lost both houses of Congress, and Newt Gingrich became king of the Hill. It was horrible. But you know what? It created all sorts of opportunities. It smoked Republicans out. They could no longer hide behind blue-dog Democrats. Americans saw them for who they were. Gingrich became the most hated man in America. The 1994 election also marked the end of the coalition of conservative Republicans and southern Democrats that had controlled much of Congress since the end of the New Deal.

What opportunities do you see coming out of Tuesday?


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