Election Night Results....

Ms Tree said:
I do not respect them because I do not care about the education or time spent.  
Exactly. You put no value on their accomplishments but, you benefit from their accomplishments.
Ms Tree said:
I care about the person and what they do. 
I am sure when you get an incompetent person doing a job that you are paying for you will overlook it if they are "a good person".
Ms Tree said:
Do you respect the people I mentioned above because of the education they spent getting their 'titles' or not?
Another example of a libtard using extremism to ask a baited question. I expect nothing less. I know you libtard fanatics better than you know yourselves. You are nothing if not predictable. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Exactly. You put no value on their accomplishments but, you benefit from their accomplishments.
I am sure when you get an incompetent person doing a job that you are paying for you will overlook it if they are "a good person".
Another example of a libtard using extremism to ask a baited question. I expect nothing less. I know you libtard fanatics better than you know yourselves. You are nothing if not predictable. 
That makes absolutely no sense.  What a person accomplishes is entirely separate.  I respect a person based on who they are and what they do.  All doctors had to to get through med school and pass their boards.  Not all doctors are equal and not all doctors deserve respect.  What a person has accomplished is secondary to how they conduct them selves in life.  I do not treat any of my customers and better or worse than any other customer based on what they have accomplished.  I would treat John McCain just the same as the the 18 yr old kid.  
Again that makes no sense.  We are not talking about job performance.  I have a house that needed texture tape/bedding and texture coating on the walls and ceilings.  The guys I ended up going with to do the job barely spoke english.  No idea how they conduct their personal life.  Don't really care so long as it does not affect me.  They did a great job at a reasonable price.  I'll use them again at the next property I have lined up.  I'm a pretty good judge of character.  So far, over about 30 years of doing business I have yet to be screwed over or contract someone who has done a poor job.  Having said that, if you tell me you can do job 'x' and you end up not doing job 'x' then as far a I am concerned you just lied to me and you're not a good person.
It is not a baited question.  You said:
Being a mother or president does not require 11-15 (or even more) years of education.
4 years of undergraduate school, 4 years of medical school then 3-7 years of residency.
That is almost half of their working career spent educating themselves. Not to mention the cost.
As I said you are a typical libtard trying to debase others accomplishments. I highly suspect you have never accomplished anything worthwhile in your whole life.
My point was that the people I mentioned spent the same amount of time yet they are obviously bad people.  I respect Carter because he has gone out and swung a hammer for Habitat, he has done what I believe are good things in his life.  I respect Mother Theresa for her selfless acts of kindness.  I respect Coory Booker for risking his life to save another.  The fact that they were a President, nun and mayor have nothing to do with why I respect them.  I respect some of (OK only two really) managers because he seems to deal straight and I trust them.  The rest I could do with out.  I do not respect them as I think they are incompetent.  
I think Obama is a putz.  He has lied about too much stuff and I have no respect for him.   I did not really care for him when I voted for him but there was no better alternative.  I cannot think of a single politician currently in power that I respect.  Their might be a few if I looked but none come to mind right now.  
PSSST! Liberals, Progressives and regular Democrats the reason the American Public handed you your ass in the elections is because you were having trouble finding it with both hands, in a phone booth, with a flashlight.
It's political spin.  You want a party leader to go on TV and say that they got waxed?  
Ms Tree said:
It's political spin.  You want a party leader to go on TV and say that they got waxed?  
Come on Tree!  ------ She could have said nothing and been ahead of the game! ------ From someone who grew up in out there, she's a typical Calif. bubble head!!!
Yes she is an idiot. She's a politician. Saying she's an idiot is redundant. They are all in denial. I don't recall the GOP falling on the sword when they lost. It's what they do. Not surprised in the least.
eolesen said:
Fox just called Iowa for the GOP. That's 51.

All that's left to call seems to be AK, LA, VA, and NC.

LA will go GOP after the runoff.

In NC, Tillis is leading NC by 49% with 98% reporting. It's hard to say if Hagan will pull it off with that last 2%.
Heard Dog had a nervous breakdown at 51.  He many switch parties as part of his aftercare program.
Heard Dog had a nervous breakdown at 51.  He many switch parties as part of his aftercare program.
Dog is waiting to see if the Republicans break their new shiny before it gets out of the box.
Ms Tree said:
Why dont you actually answer a question for once in your life instead of always making these stupid juvenile personal attacks?
You sound EXACTLY like 700UW.
That does not surprise me one bit as you two are cut from the same cloth. I am just pointing it out for the rest of the forum.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You sound EXACTLY like 700UW.
That does not surprise me one bit as you two are cut from the same cloth. I am just pointing it out for the rest of the forum.
And you still cannot or will not answer a simple question.  I guess the answer is a bit uncomfortable.  I do not think you need to point out anything.  Your rating speaks volumes about what people think of you.  I think the only one lower is World Traveler.

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