Eastus1: 1) An honest question: In exactly what circumstances were you ever a leader? An honest answer would both help the proceedings here and do you great credit.
Ms Tree: As if I have to justify or prove anything to you.
I don't
And again I dont.
Perhaps you can properly take the lead, thus proving your own worth, and finally answer one yourself...even if "the answer is a bit uncomfortable."...?
Since you couldn't/can't even handle: "An honest question: In exactly what circumstances were you ever a leader?"...Well, perhaps you should generously allow all others at least the presumed "respect" actually due your own brilliant "defense" there = "As if I have to justify or prove anything to you.
I don't
And again I dont."....?
Ms Tree: As if I have to justify or prove anything to you.
I don't
And again I dont.
Ms Tree said:And you still cannot or will not answer a simple question. I guess the answer is a bit uncomfortable. .....
Perhaps you can properly take the lead, thus proving your own worth, and finally answer one yourself...even if "the answer is a bit uncomfortable."...?
Since you couldn't/can't even handle: "An honest question: In exactly what circumstances were you ever a leader?"...Well, perhaps you should generously allow all others at least the presumed "respect" actually due your own brilliant "defense" there = "As if I have to justify or prove anything to you.
I don't
And again I dont."....?