yeah..... 😉700UW said:Probably so!
yeah..... 😉700UW said:Probably so!
700, If you really believe your post and attatched pic, not even considering whether you like or dislike Bush,which you dont. Kerrys' military record was a preplanned stunt for his eventual move to politics. As soon as he arrived home, he is at congressional hearings lying about our boys still in country getting killed, while he removed his bandaid from his pinky finger!!!!! This is the difference DUDE! REAL MEN, REAL military service???? MEN like true heros, Oliver North, TURNED DOWN purple hearts so they would not be shipped stateside!!! Draft dodger???? Your buddy Clinton, the true unionists' friend who was against NAFTA,GATT, WTO, oh wait a minute.......... left a paper trail worming his way out of the draft. This is exactly what I mean when I talk about "steel mill" mentality unionism. You let FACTS cloud your judment all because of your pure hatred of republicans. I wont change any minds, but I let off some steam!!700UW said:Real Military Service.
Not a publicity stunt.
Having met you in person unless you are very well preserved you were NOT draft age at ANY portion of the Viet Nam War.
So as you and others tell me "You don't work here" I will also tell you "You weren't there".
Did I ever say I was? I don't see anywhere in my post that said I was in Vietnam or anything of the like?PineyBob said:700UW,
Having met you in person unless you are very well preserved you were NOT draft age at ANY portion of the Viet Nam War.
And a wasted one at that!PineyBob said:Given the above I can't in good conscience vote for either one. Thus a Libertarian vote for me.
Yes, they were.PineyBob said:My point is those decisions were deeply personal.
Actually, they have a great deal to do with it. People who got out of going, for whatever reason (save for a high lottery number), did so because they believed their own lives were more important than the others who did not go. It was selfishness, and nothing more.To me either of their respective decisions have little or nothing to do with their ability to lead the most powerful nation on earth.
Wow, I am impressed!mweiss said:Yes, they were.
Actually, they have a great deal to do with it. People who got out of going, for whatever reason (save for a high lottery number), did so because they believed their own lives were more important than the others who did not go. It was selfishness, and nothing more.
What does this have to do with leading the US? Someone whose every move smacks of privilege and selfishness will do exactly as Bush has done: do everything within his power to transfer wealth to him and his cronies.