this is the problem.... you consider someone voting how they believe to be a wasted vote!!!! thats what this country has lost.... this type of thinking is what is killing this country!! DUMBORAT robots!!!!!! truly amazing lol :down:700UW said:I agree with you 100% Bob, but in reality casting your vote for a candidate that has no chance to win is wasting it.
I think you would also think that way regarding votes cast at usairways contract concessions after all the votes for the presidential election would seem a tad more important.PineyBob said:To me no vote is ever wasted!
To me voting is a sacred trust and voting your conscience regardless of the chances of victory is a requirement. Sorry you feel it is a wasted vote. I feel I've performed my civic duty and my moral obligation to those patriots who over the years have watered the tree of Liberty with their life's blood.
Bringing Howard Stern into any discussions makes anything from that point forward null and void, just like Howard is, null and void of a soul. The epitome of depravity and libertarian no less.PineyBob said:Howard Stern by merely announcing as a Libertarian
This guy is sick and listening to anything he says or being influenced by his ideas is no different than being infected by an infection that is drug resistant. Yes free country to listen to whatever one chooses and I chose not to even acknowledge that very strange creature called a talk show host, he’s more like a talking abscess that needs excised.PineyBob said:It's a free country
Based on you free speech lecture, which I never refuted, here is what I think: Stern is nothing more than one of Satan's emissaries corrupting the weak minded to think his garbage is only entertainment when it's actually poison to the soul.mweiss said:Ya know, cav, based on your complaints about the right wing, I find it remarkably hypocritical that you suggest the censorship of ideas with which you disagree.
I don't like Howard Stern as an entertainer. I know next to nothing about him as a person, so I cannot comment on that aspect of him.
In the words misattributed to Voltaire (actually belonging to Evelyn Beatrice Hall, under the pseudonym of Stephen G Tallentyre, in The Friends of Voltaire), "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Excellent, Cav! 😛cavalier said:Right wing extremist ditto head yes men whacko definition:
Everyone should be in business and become wealthy, those that don’t are lazy and deserve the woes they face.
The mentality ill or physically handicapped should get help from the church not government.
Homeless people should be exterminated for being the rodents they are.
Unemployment benefits should never be allowed if one job exists.
Anyone that can but chooses not to go to college deservers all the problems that comes thier way.
Anyone who is pro-choice is insane.
There should be zero taxes since it’s every man is for himself.
All government jobs should be eliminated because wal*mart is hiring.
We should kill anyone on the planet who doesn’t want to be Christian and be democratic.
Every one on the planet must belong to the masons.
Slavery should be legalized because the uneducated deserve it.
Unionism was thought up in the pits of hell and must be treated as the thing it is, a pure evil that must be destroyed at any cost.
All colleges should be Christian and college professors should be exterminated for polluting our children’s minds and hearts.
The black government and their projects must be exposed and eliminated. Except the government that does exist should have the absolute right to invade your homes and give you a rectal exam and brain surgery to make sure you are not a terrorist or thinking of becoming one.
I think I made my point.