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Edwards Vp

DOA@Airport said:
What's up with all the fondling and hugging between these two Johns? They must be after the metrosexual and soccer mom votes.
That's all you can come up with? Two guys hug and so it must be that icky touchy-feely pinko-commie hippie liberal stuff? Moreover, even if it is, what's so bad about that???? :huh:
mweiss said:
That's all you can come up with? Two guys hug and so it must be that icky touchy-feely pinko-commie hippie liberal stuff? Moreover, even if it is, what's so bad about that???? :huh:
Where did that characterization of the "hugging" come from? Are we a bit paranoid about our liberal leanings? Geez, we must be afraid those vast right-wing nuts are paying attention!

And it's not a matter of all "I" can "come up" with. It seems the media is a buzz about all this affectionate display and I was merely bringing the issue up here as well.

I'm actually more interested in the candidate's platforms and positions. So far, Kerry's can be summed up as "I'm not Bush." He hasn't given voters a valid reason to make a change. And he's demonstrated a innate ability to flip-flop on what he stands for.

Kerry: "I voted for the $87B for Iraq before I voted against it."

Now that makes perfect sense...no?
DOA@Airport said:
So far, Kerry's can be summed up as "I'm not Bush." He hasn't given voters a valid reason to make a change.
That's the best reason of all to vote for Kerry. We need a change PERIOD. Why should Kerry have to come up with a valid reason? I'd vote Ted Kennedy-Hilary Clinton if I thought it would get Bush the **ck out of here! And being a longitme member of the Libertarian party, I have always voted LIbertarian...but not this time.

ABB --- Anybody But Bush!
Good on ya, GM.

Edwards has a great record for raising money through contributions. That, plus his appeal to Southerners is probably why he was selected.
Now was'nt Kerry the one who said Usairways should fold up and all the airlines should split up our routes?
EDWARDS VS. CHENEY: Time has a new poll confirming that, in general, Edwards is an asset to Kerry while Cheney is a liability for Bush. It's the first poll since Kerry selected Edwards that has detailed questions about Edwards and Cheney and a significant sample size.

Edwards's "favorability" rating among registered voters who know enough about him to have an opinion is a healthy 39 percent, while just 12 percent view him unfavorably. Cheney's favorable rating is 41 percent, but his unfavorable rating is up to 40 percent. Worse, Cheney's job approval rating is a dismal 41 percent, while 47 percent disapprove of the job he's doing. That, of course, is the number to watch when thinking about whether Cheney's experience is an asset or not. If voters think the job you are doing sucks, your experience is a liabilty.
local 12 proud said:
As time goes on, we're just getting to know the possible future
First Lady President of the United States of America, and it is quite

You'll be hearing even more about Teresa Heinz Kerry, (We call her "Mrs. Catsup) wife of Democratic frontrunner. She has quite a track record, especially when it comes to the causes she donates to. Turns out one of her favorite "charities" is the Tides Foundation. What is that you ask? This is an outfit that sends hundreds of millions of dollars to groups that protested the invasion of Iraq, demands open U.S. borders and provides legal defense for suspected terrorists. I don't think John Kerry's Vietnam service is going to make people look the other way on these issues.

Among other groups supported by Kerry's wife: Ramsey Clark's
International Action Center. This is the same Ramsey Clark that
offered to defend Saddam Hussein. Another group seeks to ease restrictions on immigration from terrorist nations. Another group has links to the terrorist group Hamas. And on and on.

I didn't think it was possible to make Hillary Clinton look good,
but Teresa Heinz Kerry just might.

Heinz Factories Overseas

Subject: LOST JOBS

Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 10:10:25 EST

Kerry does not like off shore companies: Oh Really? Just came
across a bit of information regarding Kerry and his claim of the Bush administration sending jobs abroad.

Well, it seems that the Heinz Corporation, owned by Kerry's wife,
has 79 plants where it manufacturers products and 57 of the 79 are
located in countries outside of the U.S. How many U.S. jobs are lost here?
Factories located at: Taipei, Taiwan (makes Heinz baby foods) Dublin, Ireland; Paris, France; Dovarmenez, France; Lisbon, Portugal; Madrid, Spain; Milan, Italy; Monguzzo, Italy; Athens, Greece; Warsaw, Poland; Pudliszki, Poland; Wodzislaw, Poland; Miedzychod, Poland; Moscow,Russia; Georgievisk, Russia; Cairo, Egypt; Tel Aviv, Isreal; Haifa, Isreal;Elst, The Netherlands and 6 other plants there; Brussels, Belgium;Dusseldorf, Germany; Seesen, Germany; Turnhout, Belgium; Rovereto, Italy; Chateaurenand, France; North York, Ontario, Canada; Wheatley, Ontario,
Canada; Caracas, Venezuela; San Jose, Costa Rica; Johannesburg, South Africa; Gaborone, Botswana; Harare, Zimbabwe; Cheguta, Zimbabwe;
Wellington, South Africa; Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Republic of Singapore; Auckland, New Zealand; Tokyo, Japan; Guangzhov, People's Republic of China (makes infant cereal); Qingdao, People's Republic of China (makes infant foods, ketchup, mayonnaise &puree); Inchon, South Korea (makes Heinz products and StarKist); Bangkok, Thailand; Mumbai, India; Jakarta, Indonesia; Surabaya, Indonesia; Manila, Philippines;
Wanchai, Hong Kong. Also recently purchased from Bordens these

Classico Pasta Sauce; Aunt Millies Pasta Sauce; Mrs. Grass Receipt
Wylers Bouillons &Soups.

Think of the conflict of interest a President would have whose
wife owns business interests in all of these countries and others.

Pass it on!!!! We are made strong by the difficulties we face not
by those we evade.

Any critical common sence thinker will dismiss this as boarderline propaganda.

The Hienz company deals in parishable items.

And yes John Kerry is about as presidential as Jimmy (Apeeeeeeeezzzzzee YOU) Carter.

Sucker! You guys will believe ANYTHING bad about Kerry and his wife without even bothering to investigate! Have you wondered why you haven't read or heard this tripe in the NEWS??? A cursory search of the Urban Legends Reference page tells it ALL! It is a complete FABRICATION! If you don't believe me, check here at snopes.com--a nonpartisan website devoted to debunking urban legends and bogus virus rumors.
Since many of you will not bother to check out the Urban Legends Reference page for the TRUTH about Teresa Kerry and the philanthropy of the Heinz family trust, I have taken the liberty of pasting the contents of the webpage from snopes.com below:

Claim: Teresa Heinz Kerry donates millions of dollars to fringe political groups through the Tides Foundation.

Status: False.

Origins: According to Heinz Endowments President Maxwell King:

In recent weeks, The Heinz Endowments has been accused of using its funding of the Tides Center of Western Pennsylvania to advance a laundry list of partisan causes and fringe political groups. This accusation is simply wrong.

It originated in an opinion column written by a researcher for the conservative, Washington, D.C.-based Capital Research Center. The crux of CRC’s argument is that money directed by the Endowments to Tides is "fungible." By supporting projects through Tides, CRC alleged that Heinz has secretly funneled money to every other organization that has ever received funding through Tides Center and the separate Tides Foundation.

Since first being published in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, CRC’s accusation has been picked up and expanded in opinion pieces in a number of newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and the Washington Times. But not even these publications have leveled this allegation in actual news stories.

The reason why is obvious: The charge does not stand up to objective scrutiny. Four facts undercut it completely. First, by legally binding contract, every penny of Heinz’s support to Tides has been explicitly directed to specific projects in Pennsylvania. It cannot legally be redirected and is the exact opposite of fungible.

Second, the Tides Center is a provider of management and administrative services, and we have used it only for those services, not to advance Tides’ grantmaking agenda. Foundations from all across the country-many, like Heinz, with strong centrist agendas-use these services to incubate an array of nonprofit programs. So does the federal government. It is no more accurate to suggest that Heinz supports every one of these programs than it is to suggest that someone who contributes to a specific group through the United Way supports the agenda of every other United Way beneficiary.

Third, the projects we have supported through Tides speak for themselves. They include programs to test the career readiness of area high school students, protect Pittsburgh’s environment and retain young people in our region-hardly an extremist agenda.

Fourth and finally, information about every one of our Tides-related grants is and always has been readily available in our public filings, annual reports and here on our web site. Far from being secretive, we have been consistently open in detailing the nature of our grants to Tides and every other organization we fund.
This is the the first time I've completely read this thread. I can't believe how far it's veered of track from the original subject. Oh well it was fun while it lasted.
i saw that kerry plane here in nashville the other day.. and to be honest i was kind of hopeing that plane would just blow up and kill that bastard..

i can't see how you guys or anyone really for that matter would go for him. especially the ppl out there that are into recreational type deals cuz he will just screw it up for everyone.

theres only a few differen't ppl i can understand going for him.. druged up hippes that just want to say peace to all problems, gays and lesbians, and the stupid fruits and nuts back in
CA and NY mainly.. so theres no one there that to me holds any credit or i would even respect there. cuz there all screwed up themselve.

plus how can anyone think he'll be good he just copies what bush wants to do to get out of iraq, and then just critizie everything, and never actually speaks about things in detail.. and formost hes for more gun control... HELL NO to that.
Just remember, Kerry's mentor, SENATOR TED "LET'S TAKE A DRIVE OVER THE BRIDGE" KENNEDY was the author of the airline deregulation act of 1978. He and then CAB chairman Alfred Kahn started what was to become the beginning of the end of airline industry worker's livlihoods.

Who signed the Airline Derugulation Act of 1978 into law?


Who benefitted most from Greyhound bus fares in airlines besides the passengers?


Some people make me laugh when they say Kerry and the Democrats are for the working man. Isn't Sen. Heinz, I mean Kerry, and Teresa worth close to a billion dollars?

Do you think Kerry hangs out with the local fisherman and goes bowling with them on Tuesday nights?

Who the hell do you think put people in office? OTHER RICH PEOPLE AND WEALTHY CORPORATIONS, THAT'S WHO!
Hopeful said:
Just remember, Kerry's mentor, SENATOR TED "LET'S TAKE A DRIVE OVER THE BRIDGE" KENNEDY was the author of the airline deregulation act of 1978. He and then CAB chairman Alfred Kahn started what was to become the beginning of the end of airline industry worker's livlihoods.

How convenient it is to forget the Airline Deregulation Act Republican co-sponsor, Senator Howard Cannon of Nevada or the fact that it had strong bipartisan support from BOTH sides of the aisle in both houses of Congress. Just like with NAFTA, when the program turns out bad, it's time to 'blame the Democrats'.

As for NeoConservative Economist Alfred Kahn, I'll just let him speak for himself:

"People Express is clearly the archetypical deregulation success story and the most spectacular of my babies. It is the case that makes me the proudest." - Alfred Kahn

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