If intelligence is being like his old man and NOT letting unemployment benefits continue to be extended but spending billions overseas for killings that do nothing except assuage his ego, then I'll take any kind of intelligence other than that kind.B6Busdriver said:Yeah dumb as a fencepost. GW had better grades than Algore and they scored within 150 points of each other on the SAT.
I have lived long enough to know that the GOP is for the rich and business while the working class is forgotten. Like Regan's trickle down economics the theory being the working class would get the crumbs that falls off the rich man’s table.
GOP is not any more moral than the next party, so don't even go there.
When it comes to morals it's even crap shoot considering they are mere men.
I have had enough of Bush and his fumbling moronic speech patterns to last a life time, I couldn’t stomach his father and he is even worse!