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- Jul 7, 2004
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Uh, apparently it was too much for any anti-liberals to do. I guess we're supposed to just have faith in your faith, regardless of what our faith is? Even if our faith is based on evidence, rather than the promises of politicians? Does that make me una-Murrican, if I disagree with you?anti-liberal said:Anyone can copy and paste a bunch of canned drivel.
BTW, I thought faith was what you needed to believe in God and religious leaders, and that we were supposed to demand accountability of humans in the public's trust. Or do you trust in everyone, not just in God? Do we still have separation of church and state, or did that go out when the Patriot Act came in? under God.
Of course Bush's stances on ACTIVE issues will change -- so would Kerry's -- so would anyone's; however, Bush's stances on NON-ACTIVE ISSUES and his CORE VALUES do not change.
Examples: Abortion, Tax-Cuts, Additional $$$ for the War on Terror, etc.
So Abortion, Taxation, and the war on terror are core constants in your universe, or what? They're not still open issues? The only way to close an issue is unanimous agreement, otherwise the debate will continue, and the issue will remain open. So the only way to make your issue NON-ACTIVE is to kill anyone who disagrees with the majority, or at least silence them. So can we deduce that you oppose the killing of babies but support the killing of adults with different opinions? Its a weak argument that your opponent flip-flops. In case you hadn't noticed, the population will too, especially when initially deceived about the basis for a decision, or when more evidence is discovered. So what if we kill all the wrong ones? Absurd, right? That could never happen in America right? Thinking one's self or one's country (or one's candidate?) infallible is a sign of a delusional mind. Try to avoid getting that rep, if you still can.
I guess in your America, we can count on the war on Terrorism doing for us what the war on Drugs has done: make it cheap and available to anyone in America, regardless of age, sex, national origin, etc.
And don't get me wrong, I hate paying taxes, but in the interest of a balanced budget, I'd like to see us cut spending before we cut taxes, instead of raising spending and cutting taxes. That just sets the stage for increased borrowing. And in case you don't know what that means, just remember that the government borrows from us, the holders of dollars, by just printing more money, deflating the value of the ones the rest of us work so hard for.
OK, show of hands: Who wants a president who doesn't know it's time to flip-flop on an issue, and instead holds to his core belief, even if the people he represents don't hold the same belief? If we allow that, what would qualify a tyrant?
For the record, I don't like Kerry a little less than I don't like Bush. But I find more in common with him - I served in an Asian war for economic reasons I disagree with, and I will change my mind if someone can show me good evidence or reason to. He also said that while his personal belief is that life begins at conception (his belief, he's entitled to it) it would be wrong of him to make laws based on his Catholic faith-based belief that would affect Protestants or Jews or atheists who might disagree. That was in the Washington Post, in case you want to check up. BTW, isn't the president's job to enforce the laws that Congress enacts, rather than to try to coerce Congress into passing the laws he'd like to enforce? And a member of Congress is supposed to represent their constituency, not act merely on personal beliefs, right? Can someone please look up the Constitution please, and tell us how this country's supposed to work? Check www.Mises.org for links and articles by university educators, if you don't already have better sources. Come on now, I know aviators read instructions. My 6 years in the Air Force taught me that great skill, which has served me so well...
So, Anti-liberal (and others, if you're feeling what anti-liberal feels), BS has been declared, and you're no longer allowed to add to this until you prove your points, lest you be thought an idiot by future readers. In other words, quit making noise and show your work (links?) if your argument is sound. If not, maybe you should read more news than commentary; listen to facts, not opinion; watch actions, don't read lips. And if you find facts, post them with links or evidence to support them.
To summarize the Bushies I've heard, "Terror, terror, democracy, WMD, flip-flop, Clinton's fault."
BTW, did anyone hear about the protesters arrested in Pittsburgh when Bush came to speak, this Spring? I guess they posed a potential terrorist threat, or something. In Patriot Act America, you only need an accusation, not proof beyond reasonable doubt, to incarcerate someone indefinitely. So if you don't agree with those in power, you can look forward to a long and healthy torture at some unnamed location without the Red Cross or your beloved family ever knowing what happened. Anticipating this, would you be a) more or b) less likely to take extreme measures to avoid arrest? Would this make your local police officers' jobs a) more or b) less dangerous?
It's like Ned and Jimbo saying, "They're coming right for us! Shoot them!" except its people's lives and freedoms, not just cartoon hunters circumventing hunting regulations.
Dumb joke - What do George W. Bush and Gerald Ford have in common? More than either one thinks? Fill in your own answer.
Does flip-flop mean bi-stable multivibrator to anyone else?