Edwards Vp

PandaBear said:
I love seattleflyboy's comment about Bush being anti-aviation. I'm not really up on all of the aviation issues (just followed the link here from National Review) but I don't think anyone is anti-aviation. The only issue I can think of that would lead you to think that would be the plan to privatize 5% of the air traffic control towers in the nation. Then again, it doesn't surprise me that a blatant liberal would be against real accountability for workers who actually need to do a good job to remain employed, which usually doesn't happen in federal jobs. Also, its the NY Post reporting Gephardt. I hope Kerry bought a lot of caffeine pills, he'll have to hand them out at rallies when they're both appearing. It'll be a contest to see who can be more rigid and condescending.
Wow, nice post. Welcome to the boards but just be prepared to be blasted off the boards with sentiments like that, you are up against those hardcore libs you so eloquently speak about!!1
PineyBob said:
John Kerry, John Edwards, George W. Cheney who cares? The Republicrats only want one thing. YOUR MONEY, The difference being whose buddies get the spoils.

This happens because in a GOOD election year less than half the eligible voters bother to turn off the TV and vote. All the crap about Bush stealing the election. Bush & Gore were easily beaten be MR. I don't give a crap you guys pick.

Small wonder that when votes on major bills happen they pass with more than 75% of the vote. Welcome to the one party system. We just have 2 flavors Republican & Democrat. Kind of like Lemonade and Pink Lemonade, Lots of sugar and 2 pretty colors but in the end nothing of substance or value.

Grow some nuts and vote for somone, hell anyone who isn't Bush or Kerry, take a stand and make a statement.
PINEY BOB, im in total agreement with you. republicrat or demican makes no difference its all about large campaign contributions and big buisness. niether party represents the middle class and many will vote a straight line party ticket just because thats the way granddaddy voted!
4merresrat said:
Yes, and Edwards goes in knowing, along with the rest of America, :up: that he was NOT Kerry's 1st pic-that would be John McCain who is completely behind Bush!!!
Yes, and we all go in knowing that Bush wasn't Americas first pick. McCain beats Bush or Kerry hands down.Thank Mr. Rove for that one.

P.S. McCain might be "completely behind Bush" for president, but he sure isnt behind him on the issues.
RJcasualty said:
Compliments of the Flip-Flopper in Chief:
Anyone can copy and paste a bunch of canned drivel.

Of course Bush's stances on ACTIVE issues will change -- so would Kerry's -- so would anyone's; however, Bush's stances on NON-ACTIVE ISSUES and his CORE VALUES do not change.

Examples: Abortion, Tax-Cuts, Additional $$$ for the War on Terror, etc.

Meanwhile, Kerry can't make up his mind on any of these. He was pro-choice for a while, now he's saying things like "Life begins at conception" to cater to the pro-life folks.

In addition, he doesn't support tax cuts for corporations because they hurt "the little guy." The truth is that tax cuts for large corporations allow the corporation to have more $$$$ to hire the little guy!

And then Kerry says he supports the troops but votes against the $80M which would provide support to them.
anti-liberal said:
In addition, he doesn't support tax cuts for corporations because they hurt "the little guy." The truth is that tax cuts for large corporations allow the corporation to have more $$$$ to hire the little guy!
The problem is those corporations arent hiring the little guy. Corproate profits have gone up 90% in tha last 4 years while wages have gone up 1%. Hiring isnt happening. We had a nice hiccup there, but all indications are that its gonna cool off now. All that great GDP growth isnt going to workers. Thats why people feel like crap about the economy.
sentrido said:
Yes, and we all go in knowing that Bush wasn't Americas first pick. McCain beats Bush or Kerry hands down.Thank Mr. Rove for that one.

P.S. McCain might be "completely behind Bush" for president, but he sure isnt behind him on the issues.
Talk about sore losers! It is really sad that you ar still whining about that. Fact is that most of America did vote for Bush, it is just that certain high-density states such as New York and California skew the vote. The Presidency is valid. You and Gore need to accept reality and move on.
4merresrat said:
Talk about sore losers! It is really sad that you ar still whining about that. Fact is that most of America did vote for Bush, it is just that certain high-density states such as New York and California skew the vote. The Presidency is valid. You and Gore need to accept reality and move on.
The topic is being re-opened - under one condition: no political diatribes.

Interestingly to all the boo-hooers and blowhards out there, take note of the following comment made by Sentrino in this very thread:

"I think its time to take the Kerry/Bush debate back to the Just Conversation section."

True words.
Saw the aircraft photo. Then engines looked a lot like the engine paint stylization of the Delta 757s. What's the reg on this craft?

The cheat lines and overall white scheme make me believe that it was a Delta bird.
4merresrat said:
...Fact is that most of America did vote for Bush, it is just that certain high-density states such as New York and California skew the vote. The Presidency is valid....
congratulations on the scoop, guys.. too funny.

hope this doesn't come under the heading 'diatribe' but as a point of fact, while the presidency is indeed valid and Bush won in accordance with the rules of the electoral college, Al Gore got nearly half a million more votes than Bush. the system exists so that 'high density' areas like california and new york don't get to boss around the rest of the states, but it's inaccurate to say that 'most of America did vote for Bush'.
'K...Once again, the discussion in this particular forum should be limited to the attributes of US Airways and the like.

With respect to the current thread, an acceptable comment would be, "I saw the plane in the hangar tonight. Is it CAT III equipped?" Or "Saw the plane in the hangar. Are the FA's republicans or democrats? And, are they ex-US employees."

Discussions relating to whether or not the 2000 election was legitimate, whether Clinton really had a "thing" with Monica, or whether Bush 42 is going to win 150 electoral votes or 300 electoral votes can be discussed in the Just Conversation Forum.
who ground handled the B-757 jet and was it an original Delta JET? or possibly a North American Airlines JET? does the us mechancis do the maintaince work when it comes into the pitt airport hangar?

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