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Rapid Improvement


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Rapid Improvement

US Airways operations had another strong day yesterday, the second day of the “All Together. On Time.â€￾ initiative.

US Airways mainline reported that 84.4 percent of its flights arrived within 14 minutes of schedule (S:14), which was above goal. Also, 73.3 percent of flights departed on time, while 82.7 percent of flights departed within five minutes of schedule. Both of these results exceeded goal, as well.

At US Airways Express, operational performance also was strong, with S:14 arrivals reaching 92.3 percent, more than 7 points above goal. On-time departures of 84.8 percent were nearly 15 points above goal.

Additionally, the Department of Transportation (DOT) released the May 2005 Air Travel Consumer Report on Wednesday, covering the month of March. US Airways ranked eighth in on-time arrivals, reporting 68.5 percent for March 2005. Although April DOT rankings will not be released until June, US Airways had marked improvement, reporting 80.0 percent in S:14 arrival performance.

“Our March operations were disappointing, and all of us realized that,â€￾ said Donna Paladini, vice president of customer service. “This was the whole reason we launched ‘All Together. On Time,’ and every one of us should be very pleased that our efforts have produced such positive results.â€￾

In other DOT results, US Airways’ mishandled baggage statistics ranked last among the nine other major network carriers and primary low-cost competitors with 12.27 reports per 1,000 customers.

The company also ranked 10th in consumer complaints with 1.39 per 100,000 passengers, primarily due to complaints about mishandled baggage. Flight problems were the second-most prominent issue.

The DOT also released first quarter 2005 denied boarding results. US Airways ranked sixth in its peer group with 1.01 involuntary denied boardings per 10,000 customers for this period.


UA has been running a sterling operation for several years but they are still in BK with the "doctors, nurses, and clergy" still very close by. Running a good operation doesn't translate into profitability - the only thing that will ensure US" survival.

Gosh, if they would only raise the fares! I heard even Starbucks is raising their prices because of the increase in fuel prices.

Hey, wait a minute, so thats their secret ingredient!!!!!!!!!

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: