Separately, 767jetz, it’s good to see you back even with your nonsensical comments, which are not germane to the discussion.
I believe your comments are intended to “shoot the messenger†out of anger...
This quote (as predictable as it was) shows how out of touch with reality you really are. And repeating the same old things over and over and over only serves to demonstates your lack of original thinking and imagination.
I am quite indifferent to your opinions. Therefore there is no emotion what-so-ever, neither positive nor negative, behind my points.
My comments were not even directed to you, as you assume. They were directed to everyone else on this forum, who can respect competing opinions and ideas, and who understand exactly how germaine my points are to this dicussion.
As for exposing your true motivations, that is just an unfortunate side effect of the truth. Please don't shoot the messenger. But frankly, I think everyone knows you well enough by now anyway. I was just restating the obvious.
Now back to the subject at hand. I think the only fair solution is to consider the 757/767 type aircraft as a seperate type, and slot everyone below the most junior A330 pilot. The true widebody guys should certainly be protected. Beyond that, everyone from both sides had career expectations of flying the 320/737 and the 757.
The AWA pilots certainly have every right to expect their fair share of 757 seats. You yourself acknowledge the "potential seniority integration damage" of 757 growth to the AW pilots. And according to ALPA merger policy, no one should experience an windfall at the expense of another. Position and career expecation is to be protected.
So whatever their motivation, it is reasonable and acceptable.