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Downward Spiral?

emily said:
Just curious. When are the Jetblue pilots going to start demanding reasonable pay and stop contributing to the downward spiral of wages for the piloting profession?
I have a friend at CO who used to get this same question from his neighbors at UAL. Now the tide has changed. If there's one thing you learn in this business, it's dynamic.
emily said:
What's reasonable? Well let's see. Jay Leno just signed a contract for $25 million/yr. Is that reasonable? Many athletes make millions a year. Is that reasonable? I know a twentysomething girl selling cell phones making six figures. Is that reasonable? Is it reasonable that a Jetblue captain makes $121/hr while a Southwest captain makes $165? What's reasonable is whatever you can get somebody to pay you. Tell us if this is reasonable. To fly from Long Beach to NY takes about 5 hours. If you want to drive that it would take about 5 DAYS. Yet, because of Jetblue you can make the 5 hour choice and actually do it CHEAPER than the 5 day choice! Is that reasonable? Five hours vs five days! Wake up! Air travel was never meant to be cheap and employees should not settle for cheap. I realize there are a lot of pilots on the street and many have no choice right now. But you people are talking about a correction in the wrong direction.You people are being taken advantage of and you need to quit giving your tickets away and start "correcting" up.
The economy is improving and believe it or not people are willing to pay more for the 5 hour choice than the 5 day choice.
JUSTPLANECRAZY and V1ROTATE.......Wouldn't You?
Some people are just STUPID!

Good luck in your carreer.
AKAAB said:
Dang! You guys are so gullible (which isn't a real word according to the Websters Collegiate Dictionary - Unabridged)!
That's odd. My Webster's 7th Collegiate, my Webster's New World Deluxe (hardback), and my Webster's New World (paperback), all include the word.
As of June 7 12:56PM

AAI 14.29
ALK 21.70
AMR 12.06
AWA 9.96
CAL 10.68
DAL 5.80
JBLU 27.94
LUV 15.47
NWAC 10.29
UAIR 2.52