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Readin'' the tea leaves


Thanks for the information. After sixteen years as a Mechanic at US Airways, it's nice to know that I earn less than a "Junior Mechanic".

I'm not giving anything back. It's time the employees get some guts, and start getting ruthless and street smart about their wages.

Hey fellow IAM members. We need to take this company to court about work Scope violations. And unless you want to pay for it out of your own pocket, it's time to start motivation OUR Union.

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

District Lodge 141-M has informed
US Airways CEO, David Siegel, that there will be NO outsourcing of heavy maintenance.

US Airways Scope Clause does not provide the latitude for any such work to be sent to any outside vendor.

Indeed, during months of discussions leading to the concessionary agreement with District 141-M members, not once did US Airways negotiators discuss any changes to our contract that would allow any such outsourcing.

If any attempt is made to OSV heavy maintenance work
US Airways will find themselves in the fight of their lives.

US Airways should not believe their labor unions and our memberships’ cooperation and loyalty during the bankruptcy and recovery was a sign of weakness.

What that cooperation and loyalty showed is that our membership is much better at making decisions than many of those residing in “Ivory Towersâ€￾.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Scotty Ford
President & Directing General Chairman

On 5/31/2003 2:45:05 AM repeet wrote:


Thanks for the information. After sixteen years as a Mechanic at US Airways, it''s nice to know that I earn less than a "Junior Mechanic".

I''m not giving anything back. It''s time the employees get some guts, and start getting ruthless and street smart about their wages.

Hey fellow IAM members. We need to take this company to court about work Scope violations. And unless you want to pay for it out of your own pocket, it''s time to start motivation OUR Union.

On 5/31/2003 2:22:46 AM PineyBob wrote:

Your entire last post could be said of nearly 80% of the work force in the USA. The percentage of people who hate there jobs is at an all time high. We are continually raped and pillaged by the IRS, employers, state and local governments & the never ending glut of advertisement encouraging to live above our means. So it should come as no surprise that people are stressed to near their breaking point.

Want off the roller coaster?
1) Clean up your personal balance sheet. Eliminate all but your mortgage debt.
2) Run your cars 5-7 years instead of 3-4 years.
3) Only own one if you can get away with it. The kids don''t need to play every sport after school.
4) Boost morale, stop watching the evening news and screw CNN
5) If you can''t pay cash - DON''T buy it!
6) Don''t buy into the "Consumer" Economy.

I earn in the area of what a Jr. Mech makes (60K) and I have fixed expenses of less than $1,400/month. In 14 months that will drop to $950.00 And I live in a waterfront community in NJ. I have disposable income and savings. WHY, because i refuse to buy into "The American Dream" My house is 900 square feet,  with direct ocean access. In other words I can tie my boat to the bulkhead and be on the Great Bay in 15 minutes. I haven''t bought a boat yet because I have only lived here 3 years and I have used the excess cash for debt elimination. I have started saving for a boat which will be bought cash and will be used. 
The point of all of this is:
I have a job I love, with great travel perks. I got the job by making a decision to seek out the type of job that would allow me to travel and build FF perks and pay well. I love where I live! Because I researched the area first, I learned the market. I made the "hard" choices and took a proactive stance and created my own "Acre of Diamonds"! No ALPA, IAM, CWA, to "act in my best interest" Just me! and if it ends up in the crapper It''s my fault too. Individual responsibility is kind of and old fashioned concept and I rather like it!

Thanks for the words of advice. You''ll have to excuse me now while I go collect aluminum cans so I can buy that Mercedes I''ve been eyeing....
Piney, let's be honest here. What works for you may not work for others. Each and every person has a different "American Dream" to pursue. Luckily, we're here in this country where that pursuit is possible and takes on many different forms. Sometimes circumstances get in the way. When that occurs, each individual person or family unit takes a separate approach on how to deal with their challenge.

Although it is commendable that you're able to have your dream and it works for you, it will not work for all.

Continued success to you in your individual pursuit!

On the topic of "double speak" and whether its commendable in today's business world: I would rather work for, and respect the word of, someone with honesty and integrity any day. Give me a person that "shoots from the hip" and states the ugly truth. Double speak give an individual wiggle room, yes, but with that comes the price of credibility, honor and respect. When you strip it down, all one really has in life is their WORD. When that is gone, everything is gone.

Thanks for you words of advice, and sorry for your personal tragedy. For me it is all about finding my passion. For a while, it was flying. I would have done it for free my first year. It was an exciting new adventure. Now I am hoping to find something that equally inspires me. The alternative is to grow more bitter with each new management decision.

"DON''T B*TCH! SWITCH!" And those are words to live by.

Yes exactly, only AFTER we put up a fight for all the wrongs that have and are being done to us. Believe me, the resolve has never been stronger and if Dave wants to test our resolve, we are ready and willing. Many co-workers are looking beyond the airline industry for their livelihood and would rather go down fighting, not living to regret they went down as sheep. You mentioned finances, many are also set in that respect as well, making them all the more willing to fight instead of being exploited into oblivion. Dave has entered the men’s locker room full of irate naked men feeling there is nothing to lose at this point. He has pushed too far, trust me on this.
On 5/31/2003 12:53:56 PM cavalier wrote:

 "DON''T B*TCH! SWITCH!" And those are words to live by.

Dave has entered the men’s locker room full of irate naked men feeling there is nothing to lose at this point. He has pushed too far, trust me on this.

Hey, what kind of union are you in?
Piney Bob,
Thanks, and Cav- I apologize, it was an attempt at levity. It was not intended to offend or undermine the topic. I am in total agreement with Cav here. It must stop.
On 6/2/2003 4:44:47 PM Light Years wrote:

Can we cool it with the gay jokes?

i like gay jokes.....some of my colleagues are gay....they like to hear a good boner once in a while...(no pun inteneded.)