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Jetblue To The Caribbean?

What exactly are you trying to say, hopeful? Sounds a little biased, or worse.
Hopeful said:
Jetblue: Just wait til the mobs of passengers destroy those cute little interiors on those nice airplanes.
Cute? Huh? We have airplanes that are in their 5th year of service and they look darn good. I'm not sure what you are getting at.
Blue Dude said:
PE didn't over-expand. They failed because they had no yield management, poor inventory control, little strategic focus and a product that was unremarkable except for an easily-matched low price.
They did overexpand, but the factors you mention were much more significant.
I tell you what. Ask any JetBlue mechanic who formerly worked at AA. He/She will gladly fill you in.

Yes, use of the airplanes does mean soiled carpets and such, but jetBlue is aware that a god looking interior is important, so every time these airplanes go thru a check, not only is the required maintenance performed, but steps are also taken to make sure the airplanes meet apperance standards.

Having seen firsthand what the airplanes look like, I must say, that even N503JB (Oldest bird, she is 4.5 years old) looks very nice indeed.
You all need to Remeber that fares into most Caribean Islands are restricted by that Country/Island. So as an example, B6 will have the same fares to SDQ as AA will, so B6 would make more $$$$ per flight, but the fare would not be reduced to benifit the public only the airline itself.
Hope777 said:
You all need to Remeber that fares into most Caribean Islands are restricted by that Country/Island. So as an example, B6 will have the same fares to SDQ as AA will, so B6 would make more $$$$ per flight, but the fare would not be reduced to benifit the public only the airline itself.
Are you sure about this? I've done price shopping to the islands several times and found quite a disparity in fares from one carrier to the next.
Hey listen, I'm not insulting JetBlue or wishing you all ill will. I'm just saying that at AA, certain passengers have certain habits, thats all. We see LAX passengers who differ from LHR passengers from GRU passengers who differ from PAP passengers who differ from SDQ passengers. Certain passengers think that destruction of an aircraft is included in the price of a ticket. Live vests and seat belts are taken as souvenirs. Don't take offense to my "cute" remark to describe JetBlue aircraft. The term was used because of their young age.
JFK777 said:
Southwest doesn't have DARK flights from LAX to BWI, or any where else. My vote is for JB not JETDARK. I find it funny they go from JFK to the islands at hellish hours but not to FLL, PBI or Mickey Mouse? Just a thought. I can see the brochure. "arrive in lovely Orlando At 2:30AM with the kids and go get the hertz".
Ummm....they operate a 2.30AM departure on FLL-JFK during peak winter periods that arrives in JFK at 5AM. They also offer a similar late night departure from Orlando.
coolflyingfool said:
I just wonder why B6 had the Sen. and Gov. there? Did B6 want to make their application seem more credible because the government was on their side, for the people of NY? Jetblue has seemed to me like a pretty good and classy airline, but this "stunt", in my opinion, makes me wonder a little. Jetblue should be avble to stand on their own by now. Just my thoughts.........
Get over it. It is not a "stunt". jetBlue contacted the high-ranking officials, told them what was going on, and invited them to come. They chose to go on thier own will.
I would like to know where JetBlue is going to put all that excess baggage to SDQ? As any AAer based at JFK knows, Dominicans don't like to travel light. Most often one pax will have 2 or 3 pieces of luggage weighing in over 100lbs each!!! Even with only app. 150 seats, on JB those cargo compartments will fill up fast!
JB should fly to everything in the Caribean with 5 hours of JFK including Caracas, Panama, Baranquilla, Barbados, St. Maarten, Antigua, Port of Spain, St. Croix, Aruba, Curracio, and Jamaica. I think FLL should be an enlarged "Focus City" with flights to San Juan, SDQ, and points south. JB also needs to build up BOS & IAD to levels seen at JFK. May your sky blue JB.
JFK777 said:
JB should fly to everything in the Caribean with 5 hours of JFK including Caracas, Panama, Baranquilla, Barbados, St. Maarten, Antigua, Port of Spain, St. Croix, Aruba, Curracio, and Jamaica. I think FLL should be an enlarged "Focus City" with flights to San Juan, SDQ, and points south. JB also needs to build up BOS & IAD to levels seen at JFK. May your sky blue JB.
JFK777 ...

I agree!

However, at FLL jB is already space confined .. with not enough enough space to handle the flights we have now .. so I think that if the time ever does come when jetBlue gets another permanent gate at FLL youll see more service.
Downline 7,

How can it be that JB is already space constrained at FLL? They are in the newest terminal, if that is the case they should join Spirit over at the general gates in the international terminal. I would think the FLL airport peolpe would do anything to acomodate JB.
JFK777 said:
Downline 7,

How can it be that JB is already space constrained at FLL? They are in the newest terminal, if that is the case they should join Spirit over at the general gates in the international terminal. I would think the FLL airport peolpe would do anything to acomodate JB.
JFK777 ...

Well with 19 daily departures from FLL-JFK, 3x to IAD, and now 1x to BOS we get a lot of use out of the two gates we have. I know that sometimes, we have to use a 3rd gate in another concourse when the two gates we have our full. Sometimes on the ground we wait 45 minutes for departing aircraft. Im not sure what our gate numbers are, but we have only 2 and they are constantly busy.

Same thing now at MCO sometimes.


Im sure its just a matter of time ...