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Doug Parker's Reply to my Email.

Since my post dealt with merging the threads, and not the thread itself......deleted by me.

MODS: Feel free to delete this post if you wish.

It's part of his "The dog ate my homework" reply to employee emails that's being discussed in the other thread. But since we're talking about the 767 Envoy upgrades that take so long, here's how UA is doing:

July 23 - announces that international business class will be outfitted with new lie-flat "suites" - press release.

October 29 - unveils first airplane with the new "suites" will enter service - press release

Just over 3 months from announcement to roll-out, with 1 aircraft per week being refurbished after that - from 767's to 747's. And Dougweiser wants everyone to believe it takes a year to get these seats........



........ or they're crazy.
The man is out of touch with reality.
- The planes are filthy Doug. They needed to be refurbished yesterday.
- Your computer system was excellent in the days of the IBM PC Junior. It's 30 years later. Your IT folks are out of touch.
- Your management team knows nothing about running an airline. You and them need to go. The nearest bar would be fine.
- Your VP of Cultural Integration has failed miserably. Should go back to selling Le Sueur® Peas.
- Your Preferred Dividend miles members are leaving in droves. Why don't you leave so they will come back.
- Where are the synergies from the merger. Doesn't synergy imply coordination? None at your company Doug.

So get on the first US Airways plane out of town Doug; but be prepared for a delay and a filthy plane. That way you won't be dissapointed.

If you are giving excuses, you're the poorest excuse for a major airline CEO.
Stop blaming doug for this memo and our airlines problems!! Geez people , can’t you let up for even ONE minute and give the guy a break? I mean come on , it’s common knowledge he didn’t write this memo , how could he when he was hung over!? Where’s your sympathy ? His secretary is doing a LOUSY job at running our airline ! I know I know , she probably didn’t think SHE’D end up the one in charge but she should have known what would happen when she took the job .I blame all our problems squarely on her!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Obviously Doug's never called PHL INTL to get some help in holding for many intl conx..... hahahahahah you so funny Doug. Actually, the late conx made it because the plane was probably broken to begin with. You dont hold hours for conx. OK, so maybe something was late anyway and once it was fixed PHL decided they were already an hour and a half late so they might as well wait for the 5 people who just landed, but to say PHL holds for INTL conx is ridiculous even if the flights are full for the NEXT WEEK!
BS- BS- BS- BS- BS. Oh, and did I mention BS?

And while we're on the subject of INTL CONX, Doug, why dont you TELL marketing that they need to make the conx MORE THAN 50 mins. That way the "ATC" problem wont result in having to hold if they actually had time to get to their next flight, even if it were a little late....

This is actually a great concept and Doug may have somthing here....ya, those a/c delays...yah, thats it... WERE WAITING FOR CONX. HAHAHAHAHA. From now on ...thats my story and I'm stickin to it. HAHAHAHA T-you just made my day!
Looks like PHL picked up all the conx today again! :blink: Well, I know they didnt intentionally because our 215pm was late and most were going to bust, but thankfully, those PHL agents did a smackup job of picking up most if not all we thought were going to misconx. Not a single T/A left on time tonight, but even with the delays, 14 of the 19 were scheduled to be early or within 14 mins of arriving on time into Europe. Todays flights....
Flight To Skd Actual Arr Misc
700 FRA 400pm 439pm 8 Early
702 FRA 820pm 902pm 6 Late
706 MUC 820pm 907pm 3 Early
710 ZRH 610pm 640pm 7 Early
714 VCE 630pm 706pm 2 Early
716 MXP 425pm 520pm 31 Late
718 FCO 605pm 643pm OT
722 DUB 845pm 923pm 23 Early
724 SNN 850pm 913pm 27 Early
728 GLA 840pm 1145pm Estimated Time Dept
730 LGW 855pm 1030pm Estimated Time Dept - Maint
734 MAN 830pm 852pm 31 Early
740 MAD 600pm 729pm 53 Late - Maint left gate and returned
742 BCN 625pm 659pm 2 Late
748 AMS 620pm 723pm 10 Late - Adv by PHL this is a nesting flight hence the delay
750 BRU 835pm 1004pm - Status shows RETURNED ????
752 ARN 555pm 743pm 59 Late
754 CDG 610pm 713pm 14 Late
758 ATH 400pm 430pm OT - This was maint -lav item

So even with the delays (some pretty hefty) the majority of the flights will arrive on time or within 14 mins of on time tomorrow. This makes the on time numbers even more laughable for the % of flights arriving in Europe on time when they can leave as late as they did today and still arrive ON TIME tomorrow.
From talking to PHL today (and no they didnt say they would hold conx DOUG!) it appears that the "nesting" issue may be one of the major problems. They told us one of the flights wasnt even due back on the gate until about 30 mins before the skd dept time. No way you can get a flight out on time if it isnt even due TO THE GATE until 30 mins before dept.
it appears that the "nesting" issue may be one of the major problems.
And interestingly, while Doug cited the "nesting" for part of the delay problem he didn't say they'd do anything differently next summer if they still have use of the A-East gates.....
