Isn't it sad? The tuna can is the only safe haven... everything has been f*cked up to a point that it's unworkable.
A330- Slave ship. Flies exclusively in transatlantic operations with the exception of the only occassionally daily Menopause Missile to San Juan. Constant apologies all night to last few rows, who risk injury if the passenger in front of them reclines. The mess that is the new US Airways transatlantic product/operation has been covered well here and in the media.
B767- This pig is embarrassing and customers comment on it. 1980's bins and IFE. "Try not to electrocute yourself" third world aft galley. You name it, on this thing it's dirty and broken. First part of service before hot towels, ramekins, and linens: walk through with one hot towel and wipe down tray tables, checking that they are present and usable- don't bet on it. Again, a major star in US Airways "Atlantic Abortion" service.
B757- Dingy, dirty, inconsistent. Only flies to places like Vegas and Florida (no thanks to either). The ETOPs (Engines Turn Or People Swim) version is a hot mess. The bizarre one-row 'mini-cabin' at row four. You really can't describe how ridiculous the way you have to do the service is until you are on it. The non-ATA ETOPS 757s in coach take the cake for the "Are you serious?" factor.
A319/320/321- only the 319 has avoided the Cactus Butchering that has been the demise of it's siblings. The forward galleys on the 320 and 321 are an abomination, bringing new levels of discomfort to the domestic first class cabin. Working A feels like being watched preparing food in a jail cell. Don't bother to bring a bag or a coat, there is no space. You can however use your coat as a pillow, or an eye shield from the bright galley lights. IFE in overhead bin so your pikachu is always in the persons face who is in the seat below. The aft galley is pathetic, it's different each time, too much of this, too little of that. No consistency. You have to redo it yourself to the former packout that made sense, because it was designed by professionals. Not by some desert clown who thinks any of us are going to precariously place a dirty bucket of ice on top of a cart and paper clip items to it. Such an f'in joke.
E190- The E170 was a dream to work, each F/A had thier own galley. The packout in the back made sense. You had a closet up front. You had boarding music. Fast forward to the Tempe ordered version- I can just picture them on the phone with Embraer. "Closet? NO, we hate closets! G2? No way, we only want two galleys, put the thinnest bulkhead you can find there. So, where IS Brazil anyway?" I for one refuse to use the overhead bin for stowage of food and beverage items, so I throw them on the jetway. If we don't have enough, oh well, the company failed to prepare for the service they expect us to offer. First Class overhead bins are for First Class bags, not pretzels and garbage bags. Same goes for underseat stowage in coach.
And again, where is glassware going on any of these birds?
Ah, the B737, dirty and decrepid, but there's space for galley supplies, coats, bags...