So now it's CCY's fault that the planes aren't clean? Give me a freakin' break. Obviously they had time to monkey around with the interiors because they did everything to them BUT clean them and maintain the IFE equipment.....They should have spent their time cleaning the planes instead of ripping seats out of Envoy.
And it sure didn't take them 2 years to rip seats and closets out of F on the narrow bodies, smoosh the seats together, and play "musical IFE equipment."
Too bad Brancatelli didn't write his article about the art of airline spinmeistering. US would have topped the list.
AND blaming ATC.
Yes, it is an outdated system, but it is our airline that decided to deploy many many RJ's and turboprops into the northeast corridor when the system struggled to handle large jets back in the day. Whose choice was that??? Pass the buck. It's all about taking accountability, isn't it?