Doug Parker urges veto of AZ anti gay bill

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nycbusdriver said:
Parker is pretty good about that.  As long as we lackeys are making gobs of money for him, he doesn't care about our personal lives one way or the other.
But Brewer is a scatter-brained moron (in the proud tradition of Evan Meacham), and there is no telling what she will do.
nycbusdriver said:
Yup.  Supported her in 2008, actually.
How does it feel to be on the losing side of progress?
What "progress" do you speak? Did Clinton win an election in 2008?
Brewer did not author the bill. I'm sure she'll do the right thing for business and veto the bill.
Don't let it keep you up at night. Nobody is going to deny you service at Phoenix's Royal Villa Hotel.
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Black Magic said:
Uncle Doug is a business man first.  He could care less what religious or personal views on topics, whatever it takes to keep a$$es in the aircraft seats is the bottom line.  Being that that the majority of the nation supports the sodomite community he doesn't want any boycotting of the hub in az and hurting profits.  I hope Jan approves the bill myself but that's not gonna happen.
Sodomite? You have got to be kidding me! Are you a "Saint"? I grew up in the deep south "Bible Belt" One thing I learned is the ones crying the loudest are usually the ones with a big "secret" LOL when are you people going to learn that the Bible is not a buffet!
Black Magic said:
She bowed to the $$ just like scripture said would happen in the latter days. The "TIME" is getting very close...laugh if you guys want, that was foretold aswell.
If you are married or about to be married and your wife was not a virigin, You can stone her to death.  The bible says it's ok.  
And it also says you shouldnt lay next to a woman when she is on her period, so do you sleep in the same bed with your wife when she is on her period?
The bible says you shouldnt.
Deuteronomy, Exodus and Leviticus also give orders on how to handle habitually unruly sons, i.e. kill them.
It's in the Bible, so it MUST be God's inerrant word.  I have no sons, so I guess I get a pass.  But all you parents out there...are you obeying God's law?  Is your sons REALLY still alive?  Hell awaits you!
Black Magic said:
She bowed to the $$ just like scripture said would happen in the latter days. The "TIME" is getting very close...laugh if you guys want, that was foretold aswell.
Really, it was foretold that Chick-fil-A was going to get jive for refusing to serve a gay man a spicy chicken sandwich and this would portend the return of the savior of mankind?  I don't recall reading that part in the Bible, care to share?  At what point in Christian history has the "time" not been very close?  Didn't Christ say in the Book of Matthew that he would return within the lifetime of those who had seen him?  Since then every successive generation has considered itself the last and here we are 20 centuries later.
The irony (hypocrisy?) in this bill was that is was supposed to protect people who refused to do business with people on religious grounds, in order so that these terribly observant Christians could turn away those who they consider sinners, and yet who was it who never did turn sinners away and made it his business to walk among them but Jesus himself?
Also hate to be the one to point this out to you, but the movie from which you've taken your avatar has a pretty strong homoerotic undertone, in case you hadn't noticed all of the guys running around in leather and chains and assless chaps...
Keep the posts coming folks...I fully expected responses like this.  The majority is going to get what they want.  Good will become Bad, Bad will become Good and the Constitution will hang by a thread.  The next step to all this is government telling religions that they must not discriminate and allow gay marriage in their sects. I'm not going to start reciting scriptures verses on here as it's the wrong place.
Businesses should reserve the right to refuse service to anyone they choose.  A black baker should be able to tell a KKK member that it will not bake a cake for their organization with its symbol on it.  If the public wants to boycott a certain business and let it go under so be it but keep government out of it.
Some of you guys toss around "out of context" old testament quotes. The old and new have to be evaluated together for any of it to make since. If the bible is your holy book, it says god gave us all free will. Our government was set up with that in mind. I think the politicians should butt out of a lot of these issues. It's all divisive political BS. The government should just recognize "all" civil unions, period. ... AND, Christians, Jews, and Muslims should be left alone to live according to their faith. Why any company would want to involve itself in this is beyond me?
The Old Testament saw paradise lost for Adam; the New Testament shows how paradise is regained through the second Adam (Christ). The Old Testament declares that man was separated from God through sin (Genesis 3), and the New Testament declares that man can be restored in his relationship to God (Romans 3—6). The Old Testament predicted the Messiah’s life. The Gospels record Jesus’ life, and the Epistles interpret His life and how we are to respond to all He has done.
Black Magic said:
She bowed to the $$ just like scripture said would happen in the latter days. The "TIME" is getting very close...laugh if you guys want, that was foretold aswell.
Your an idiot .. Nuff said .
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