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Doogie gets arrested

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:wub: <--- PHLfa88

Hilarious!! Boy..How Long Did It Take You To Think Of That? :unsure: :unsure:
Yes, he did refuse it, because he wanted a blood test which is more accurate. 🙄

Is that your opininon or a fact?

We all make stupid mistakes and most of the time we don't get caught. Considering his position I would of thought a more suitable means of transportation to and from the bar would of been provided. Well at least I think of him now as a regular "Joe" but do not condone his actions in anyway. If I was him I would pick other friends who would drive me around instead!

In this situation I don't think anyone wins, not doug, the employeess or US Airways as a company and most likely the board will act in some manner.
Doug is what over 6 feet tall?

Three beers in an hour would not make him .08, sounds like BS to me.

Well .. what would you have admitted to the Officer?? ( what you really consumed?? I doubt it?)

Time to cut you off - your over the limit

Course maybe all the fella's in the pen will think like that
Well, he just lost 11 Billion dollars a few hours earlier. That would drive anyone to drink.

What??? "He" did not lose a penny .. that is all borrowed money that was being waged!! BTW ... has USAIRways paid back the Government Loan they got after 9/11?? Have not heard anything about that!

What??? "He" did not lose a penny .. that is all borrowed money that was being waged!! BTW ... has USAIRways paid back the Government Loan they got after 9/11?? Have not heard anything about that!


Yes They Did!! In Full!! :up: :up:
I cannot help to chuckle to know that the black BMW he was driving was purchased for him by the company and is now part of a criminal investigation.....LOL!

WHOA!!!!!!! Digest that, all that have lost so much!! :down:

What??? "He" did not lose a penny .. that is all borrowed money that was being waged!! BTW ... has USAIRways paid back the Government Loan they got after 9/11?? Have not heard anything about that!

The government even MADE money on the America West loan when it was paid off...
And you Knowingly kept serving him wine, when you knew he was intoxicated.....He may just have to call on you as a character witness, he can handle a bottle and a half and still be able to get served.

..... and you would have refused him and most probably lost your job????

Gimme a break!!!
The FAA would yank my medical certificate, the company would not stand behind me, I would lose my job and livelihood, and go to jail.
Driving while impaired is a serious thing. Automobiles are dangerous projectiles. Operating any vehicle while impaired is unexcuseable.
This casts serious concerns on our CEO's judgement.

Ever driven completely exhausted and could hardly stay awake? Ever talk or dial the cell phone while driving? Ever take your eyes off of the road? .09 is not that high of BAC, but I agree that its against the law. He was at the biggest party in Scottsdale..and only blew that much!! Imagine how high others blew!
AND Everyone On This Board Is SO Friggin Perfect? He Made A Mistake..What? No One On Here Has EVER Made A Mistake?

MOVE ON!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

No. I don't believe that everyone takes those chances and risks drinking and then driving with folks in your car, no less. I don't. My kids don't.

There's way too much at risk to even take a chance. Every person who has been educated on the risks of drinking and driving knows this. And if they don't, and try your luck...well ask Dougie...you end up hand cuffed and hauled away in a squad car making phone calls at midnight.
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