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Mid 50's in money ain't squat if the medical premium increases are left unchecked. Does anyone know if premium caps are being discussed?
I agree. I too wanted medical caps in our new contract and the company refused to entertain that and still only offering us a mere 51 and some change after a 6 year freeze. Hopefully we will send them back to the table for the tweaks and corrections.
Mid 50's in money ain't squat if the medical premium increases are left unchecked. Does anyone know if premium caps are being discussed?
A bigger question is, what does the LUS healthcare cover and how much out of pocket do they have to pay out?

I’ve heard that there are procedures that LUS healthcare doesn’t even cover like colonoscopy.

Let’s get real, who honestly thinks we are going to get a healthcare package better then the pilots? Who thinks that the company will give us such a good package and not have to give it to every employee at AA. It would be nice, but that will cut into the profits that is used for more stock buy backs. Much like the trump tax cuts, which did not raise wages but went for stock buy backs which is designed for the super wealthy, meaning the share holders not the employees.

We live in trumps America, not Berneys america.
For all the "Wait and See" guys and the "It's not a good time" excuses what are you going to wait for? No negotiations scheduled for this month which means nothing else until when? Pilots start talking less than 4 months. They want $$$$$$$$$$$. Where is that going to come from? It's time to try something different. We can not continue to negotiate this way where each of the 3 groups are holding each other back and the infighting between the IAM and TWU continues. We need to focus in M&E. Why would we want to be concerned about what fleet or stores is doing in negotiations? Pilots don't. Flight Attendants don't. Passenger service agents don't.
For all the "Wait and See" guys and the "It's not a good time" excuses what are you going to wait for? No negotiations scheduled for this month which means nothing else until when? Pilots start talking less than 4 months. They want $$$$$$$$$$$. Where is that going to come from? It's time to try something different. We can not continue to negotiate this way where each of the 3 groups are holding each other back and the infighting between the IAM and TWU continues. We need to focus in M&E. Why would we want to be concerned about what fleet or stores is doing in negotiations? Pilots don't. Flight Attendants don't. Passenger service agents don't.

So how is the card drive going over there? You right about the Pilots wanting money, but I am sure it's already accounted for and budgeted for you guys as well as the Pilots upcoming nego's, but I do understand your concerns. Any Rhyme or Reason behind the fact that no nego's meetings are set for Sep.? And one last question, isn't Sep the month of the amendable date, so are they (co) getting ready to start sec 6 I wonder???
It's sad when you hear guys say to you personally or on forums and chats that it's not a good time to sign and we are almost at an agreement. Some say wait and see then they will sign. One thing I hear practically on a daily basis is the complaining about everything that is wrong and bad about the association. So you ask them to sign a card and they refuse with the usual excuses. No logical explanation from guys who work on multi million dollar aircraft. We are like a bunch of old woman complaining about everything and the same things day in and day out and when someone wants to step up and actually make a change in the right direction all of a sudden everyone says oh no we can't do that. It's like we just like to complain as much as getting screwed everyday by the association.
Talks are going nowhere this month. What's going to be scheduled for next month? What's going to happen through the holidays? What about come 2019?
Let just keep waiting before we sign a card. Yea great idea.
It's sad when you hear guys say to you personally or on forums and chats that it's not a good time to sign and we are almost at an agreement. Some say wait and see then they will sign. One thing I hear practically on a daily basis is the complaining about everything that is wrong and bad about the association. So you ask them to sign a card and they refuse with the usual excuses. No logical explanation from guys who work on multi million dollar aircraft. We are like a bunch of old woman complaining about everything and the same things day in and day out and when someone wants to step up and actually make a change in the right direction all of a sudden everyone says oh no we can't do that. It's like we just like to complain as much as getting screwed everyday by the association.
Talks are going nowhere this month. What's going to be scheduled for next month? What's going to happen through the holidays? What about come 2019?
Let just keep waiting before we sign a card. Yea great idea.

So I would ask your fellow workers a question, when is it a good time? Would a good "timing" be after this asso agrees to all the outsourcing AA wants? Would it be good timing "after" this asso agrees to the layoffs and rifs?? Would it be good timing "after" this asso agrees to force the IAMPF onto you guys with no say so??? So what is good timing guys? You guys are just making excuses that say it's bad timing. But I would say that bad timing will be to stay as is with this asso agreeing to everything the company wants and at the end of it all you guys will then kick yourselves in the balls and say, "we should have done it before we got this agreed to concessionary deal by this asso." Don't regret it later guys, take action now, before it is too darn late. Enough is enough, my Lord what does it take? Had enough yet? Sign a card today...
Many guys are not informed and some don't want to hear it. They have their minds locked. They think we are close to a T/A. They think changing representation will delay negotiations or set us back 3, 4, 5, 6 years or longer. All the excuses that are coming out of the TWU officers because they will lose a rather large amount of money in dues. It's so sad we are intelligent enough to maintain multimillion dollar aircraft and believe this childish bunch of lies and fear tactics.
I for one think that we should have a vote for union representation as soon as AMP has enough cards collected. The association is locked into a position that AA isn’t moving from. So negotiations have stopped.

What does it matter, who ever wins election will have been voted in by membership who actually vote.
Ok it’s been over a Month now since anyone fired up this cobweb collecting thread here so I guess it needs to be left up to me (The annoying FSC) to light a match.

I’m wondering if one of you AMP organizers can get on over to your FB page and answer this guy already? I mean it’s been 4 days now and this is getting ridiculous. Is anyone home there?

I do encourage you to belittle and berate maintenance, your a great recruitung tool!
Most tools have multiple uses the association uses you we use you. Your a good tool!
I do encourage you to belittle and berate maintenance, your a great recruitung tool!
Most tools have multiple uses the association uses you we use you. Your a good tool!

Asking one of your AMP organizers to answer a question asked of them by one of your very own AMT’s over 4 days ago is “belittling and berating maintenance”?

I’m sorry but uh, Huh? Wha? Come again?

Do you want ZOMBIES who just sign cards with no questions asked? (Of course you do)

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