It's sad when you hear guys say to you personally or on forums and chats that it's not a good time to sign and we are almost at an agreement. Some say wait and see then they will sign. One thing I hear practically on a daily basis is the complaining about everything that is wrong and bad about the association. So you ask them to sign a card and they refuse with the usual excuses. No logical explanation from guys who work on multi million dollar aircraft. We are like a bunch of old woman complaining about everything and the same things day in and day out and when someone wants to step up and actually make a change in the right direction all of a sudden everyone says oh no we can't do that. It's like we just like to complain as much as getting screwed everyday by the association.
Talks are going nowhere this month. What's going to be scheduled for next month? What's going to happen through the holidays? What about come 2019?
Let just keep waiting before we sign a card. Yea great idea.