I just dont get all the fuss about the types of airplanes. I do see the fuss about pay though. First point first.
Whether it be a CRJ200, 700, 900, or EMB 170, 190, 195, or A319, A320, A321, A330. Does it really take a big better more experienced and older pilot to fly each of these planes. I dont think so. The only difference the amount of seats that are in each plane. I say to make a streamline company we do this.
CRJ 200,700,900= PSA & PDT
EMB 170, 190, 196 = MDA
Airbus = US Airways "Mighty Mainline"
As long as we stick together and fight for fair pay of each aircraft I see no reason why you would be against this. Like I said does it take so much more experience and wisdom to fly these different type of aircraft. I dont think so. The fly the same heights, speeds, and for US Airways system, distance (East Coast with the exception of the few overseas flights) This mentality of "I am older and I got hired at Mainline which means I must have the talent and the abliity to fly bigger aircraft which others just dont have."
You fly bigger airplanes because you have senortiy not because you are so much better that anyone else!