Hi there, no need to apologize because what you are saying makes very little sense to begin with.
What are you talking about anyway? Do you even know what an E190 is? Or that no one operates them yet? What would entail "staying the same", oh dear AA friend? What is your cheeseburger/change example in reference too?
Both airlines already contract out the majority of thier Express flying which has resulted in an appalling product, skyrocketing CASM, and outrageous fee per departure agreements... why do the same to mainline? If you were to change something, like what I think you're getting at in the heart attack scenario, it would be to stop the disease of outsourcing, and draw a line at full-on narrowbody flying.
If AA wants to "change it's habits" and let American Connection fly the MD80s (oh sorry, "Super" 80 "Luxury" Liners) instead of do it themselves, then you guys go for it. But we here at HP/US would like to fly our own planes, thank you.
If we are a recovering heart attack patient in the hospital, we can do without the advice of the nosey, delusional oldtimer in the next bed who is just now going into cardiac arrest. You stay behind your curtain and eat your jello.