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Don't Let Express Fly The 190's

boeing787 said:
Hey pal just set a precedent and let express fly the 190's. Don't you learn? DALPA laughed when the 50 seater came out. They ain't now. IF the 190's go to express noone at the majors flying a 737, DC9 or Airbus is safe from being outsourced by low paying jobs with lousy benefits. Here at UAL we still have some limits on the size of aircraft express can fly. I'm sure we'd fight till the doors closed that noone except mainline will fly that aircraft. Just ask the NWA pilots. THE LINE MUST BE DRAWN HERE!!!! You express pilots...I flew turbo props in my day and understood the industry. Now you should too. For those of you who had dreams of flying the heavies....you will never have a shot for decades if the industry goes this way. IF you want to fly 8 legs a day in a barbie jet well that's your choice too.

I didn't think you worked for US Airways. Isn't the EMB 170 flying at United Express?
Just a damned second here. United complains about US obtaining an 80 seat plane.

Who flys the 90 seat BA-146 in an Express configuration???? United Express.
boeing787 said:
IF you want to fly 8 legs a day in a barbie jet well that's your choice too.

Sort of like wanting the IAM to let them outsource the good paying jobs to the tinker toy factories. Another industry where "once" good paying jobs are getting blown away with hurricane winds in the name of low cost and highly compensated executives. As the middle class receives further blows from the eternal insults being inflicted upon them.

Vote republican and start a business, or vote democrat and go on welfare with the millions of others.
boeing787 said:
So is the CRJ700. What's your point?
You're living in a dream if you think today's airline industry should, or will ever, returned to an era that last existing 20-years ago.
cavalier said:
Vote republican and start a business, or vote democrat and go on welfare with the millions of others.

Wow. Never thought I'd see you say that. LOL!
ITRADE said:
Just a damned second here. United complains about US obtaining an 80 seat plane.

Who flys the 90 seat BA-146 in an Express configuration???? United Express.

you're absolutely right. AWAC flies them out of mainly ORD, but does have -146 flights out of both IAD and DEN. IIRC, AWAC also has the -146-300 which does have 100 seats as well.
FM2436 said:
Boeing787, smfav8r, Furloughedagain, wings396, JayBrian, and ClueByFour, I'd be interested to know if you are employed by US Airways or some other airline?

I am furloughed from US Airways, resigned as was required by my employer, and am currently working at Comair.

Unfortunately, like a junkie I just cant get enough of US Airways. This self-destructive cycle of continuously granting scope relief is doing nothing but slowly chipping away at the mainline, allowing jobs to be outsourced to the lowest bidder.

I doubt you have the negotiating capital to do it now, but the solution is to bring all of the flying onto a single seniority list. There is no "Express" any more.

Instead you are embracing the whipsaw.

Come on guys, its time to take back the flying. Set a PID and notify the LRB that this is a single transportation system. Force a merger through bankruptcy and eliminate the duplication of overhead.

Fence it like Northwest/Republic for 30 years if you have to -- at least the ball will be rolling in the right direction.

If not, you're going to find yourselves outsourcing Airbus 320"RJ"s before long and wondering where all of the mainline flying went.

Just my opinion.
usfliboi said:
boeing 787, Do you really think that anyone "anyone" is worried about that ???? This company is about belly up and your concerned about one jet type? Seems like the over all picture is more important at this point!

Everyone should be concerned.

Express, wholly owned or otherwise and their ability to fly RJ's regardless of size has and will cost many mainline workers jobs.

With Lakefield now pushing for mainline workers to be the financiers of the RJ portion of the transformation plan with 150 million dollars in extra concessions, one would think even the most intellectually challenged could see that they are financing their own demise.

Although it is true that U employees have many things to on their minds these days, to say " Do you really think that anyone "anyone" is worried about that ????" would appear to be the a comment of someone whose big picture only has his or herself in it.

Giving Express routes that mainline cannot fly profitably is good for mainline, Express and their employees, but by allowing mangement to give Express mainline routes with aircraft the size of the 190 just because times are bad will help no one but management. in good times and bad.

I'm sure almost every employee of U would like to see it survive, but how many would like to see it survive because they gave up their jobs to Express, only to watch the outcome from the street ?

Why is someone who was willing to pay for their training (Comair Academy, FSI, etc. ) and take a jet job for substandard wages at the expense of another pilot eligible for ALPA membership?

The collapse began when the first pilot opened his letter from an airline which required him to pay for his training and thought "this is a good deal".
First of all those who complained about AWAC having BAE 146's, they've been around for quite sometime and were grandfathered from something in UAL's past...it's not something I will bring up with the AWAC people as it is a sore subject. So those people who bring that up don't know their history and what they are talking about. The EMB-175?, 190 etc are real threats to the jobs of mainline employees and I"ll be damned if some of you regional punks think you and your cohorts over at the regionals will keep on stealing our flying. Get over it, tell mgmt your not going to work at $20 an hour and help us help you.

As for LUVN737's if you work for SWA didn't you PAY for your training...737 type?
Nope, don't fly for SWA, just like to tweak their noses with my handle. (Read into that what you will)

I find the overspeed warning constantly on to not be my style.
boeing787 said:
First of all those who complained about AWAC having BAE 146's, they've been around for quite sometime and were grandfathered from something in UAL's past...it's not something I will bring up with the AWAC people as it is a sore subject. So those people who bring that up don't know their history and what they are talking about. The EMB-175?, 190 etc are real threats to the jobs of mainline employees and I"ll be damned if some of you regional punks think you and your cohorts over at the regionals will keep on stealing our flying. Get over it, tell mgmt your not going to work at $20 an hour and help us help you.

As for LUVN737's if you work for SWA didn't you PAY for your training...737 type?
Do you even realize what your saying. Calling pilots who fly regional aircraft "PUCKS"and then claiming your going to help those "PUCKS". Go back to your United forum.
regional punks

This always kills me.

If it isn't a Boeing, it isn't. Let the punks fly the barbie jets. So they did and now it's out of control. The mainline had the power to keep the puddle jumpers in house and under their control. Had the mainline had a little more foresight and a little less disdain for "toy airplanes" a great deal of the turmoil and angst throughout the industry would never have been conceived.

The regional punks have a gripe here as well. Since the mainline refused at every turn to bring the puddle jumpers aboard, they are responsible for the artificial B scale under which the regional punks must operate at their B scale airlines.

Spilled milk now, I reckon.
FM2436 said:
Boeing787, smfav8r, Furloughedagain, wings396, JayBrian, and ClueByFour, I'd be interested to know if you are employed by US Airways or some other airline?

I don't work for USAirways or any airline but have friends that do. I am a long time frequent flyer on USAirways and appreciate all the great work of the USAirways employees. Professionally I am involved with the design and manufacture of aircraft.


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