That’s almost 3 times as many veeps at Teldar Paper.
LOL your right it is ...
Yo bus driver , i see you say that you can just snap your fingers and go else where , have you tried looking lately ?
As far as i'm concerned it's not a matter of IF us airways goes under , but WHEN us airways goes under ... i for one want to keep the old girl flying for as long as possible before we go dark ... mmm i feel bad sometimes when i explain to people the situation concerning us airways and the US economy , it's hard to look someone in the eyes and see the fear they have .... but i'm in the crowd that your better of knowing than not knowing ..
My fellow co workers .. deflation has taken hold , and it's seriously showing in our ticket prices ( so i gather from this message board ) ... i know people are thinking " oh the holidays are coming up , we're going to make money ! " ... as far as that line of thinking goes , let me say , i doubt it ... If the us economy continues to lose 450 K jobs a month leading up tp the holidays we will be in a world of hurt .... Where are our customers getting hit ? just about everywhere , if they aren't losing their jobs they are working fewer hours or taking wage decreases to keep their respective companies alive ... even if they aren't getting hit in that fashion , as each month passes with staggering job losses , people will begin to save money out of fear that they could be next (hence staycations ) ... If you want even more negativity , whereas folks once had credit cards to pay for airline tickets, their now getting letters in the mail from their credit card companies saying "so sorry , we're cutting you off now and closing down your account , please pay all outstanding balances you have with us ! thank you "
The really sad part is even if only half of what i've just mentioned comes to full force (all of it will ) with the capacity in today’s airline industry and the amount of seats left open , prices will be hammered down ... (low ticket prices mean we're not making money ) ..
eh sorry to be the bearer of bad opinions , but hey who knows , maybe I’m wrong , heck I hope I’m wrong , I mean this just sucks , here my work group just got nice fat raises , and look at what has to go and happen to the freaking world … :down: