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Anything positive to say?

I am thankful that I work for a firm that hasn't cut salaries of any employee, my job gives me an opportunity to travel a lot on mostly high fares even in this economy, and I get to choose an airline that appreciates my business and provides outstanding service, Continental.
You are free to propose whatever you want to increase efficiency and reduce waste.

I propose an immediate wage freeze for managers, with a 10% pay cut for any manager earning more than $60,000 a year, a 15% pay cut for any manager making more than $80,000 a year, and a 25% pay cut for any manager making more than $150,000 a year. Pay cuts to be reinstated when the company posts a net profit for four consecutive quarters.

And welcome to the forum.

I propose that US Airways employees be friendly and helpful to our customers.
I am positive that I am happy to be employed and have health insurance as my husband lost his job about a month ago. I am also positive that my being happy to be employed does not excuse US Airways from making much needed improvements.

**edited to read correctly

That’s almost 3 times as many veeps at Teldar Paper.

LOL your right it is ...

Yo bus driver , i see you say that you can just snap your fingers and go else where , have you tried looking lately ? :lol:

As far as i'm concerned it's not a matter of IF us airways goes under , but WHEN us airways goes under ... i for one want to keep the old girl flying for as long as possible before we go dark ... mmm i feel bad sometimes when i explain to people the situation concerning us airways and the US economy , it's hard to look someone in the eyes and see the fear they have .... but i'm in the crowd that your better of knowing than not knowing ..

My fellow co workers .. deflation has taken hold , and it's seriously showing in our ticket prices ( so i gather from this message board ) ... i know people are thinking " oh the holidays are coming up , we're going to make money ! " ... as far as that line of thinking goes , let me say , i doubt it ... If the us economy continues to lose 450 K jobs a month leading up tp the holidays we will be in a world of hurt .... Where are our customers getting hit ? just about everywhere , if they aren't losing their jobs they are working fewer hours or taking wage decreases to keep their respective companies alive ... even if they aren't getting hit in that fashion , as each month passes with staggering job losses , people will begin to save money out of fear that they could be next (hence staycations ) ... If you want even more negativity , whereas folks once had credit cards to pay for airline tickets, their now getting letters in the mail from their credit card companies saying "so sorry , we're cutting you off now and closing down your account , please pay all outstanding balances you have with us ! thank you "

The really sad part is even if only half of what i've just mentioned comes to full force (all of it will ) with the capacity in today’s airline industry and the amount of seats left open , prices will be hammered down ... (low ticket prices mean we're not making money ) ..

eh sorry to be the bearer of bad opinions , but hey who knows , maybe I’m wrong , heck I hope I’m wrong , I mean this just sucks , here my work group just got nice fat raises , and look at what has to go and happen to the freaking world … :down:
LOL your right it is ...

Yo bus driver , i see you say that you can just snap your fingers and go else where , have you tried looking lately ? :lol:

As far as i'm concerned it's not a matter of IF us airways goes under , but WHEN us airways goes under ... i for one want to keep the old girl flying for as long as possible before we go dark ... mmm i feel bad sometimes when i explain to people the situation concerning us airways and the US economy , it's hard to look someone in the eyes and see the fear they have .... but i'm in the crowd that your better of knowing than not knowing ..

My fellow co workers .. deflation has taken hold , and it's seriously showing in our ticket prices ( so i gather from this message board ) ... i know etc etc etc...

As I have said before, US Airways/America West has been going out of business since I started.

Oh spooky scary! <_<
I propose US Airways management be friendly and helpful to their customers.

customer: "I am so happy your management changed its draconian policies which made this airline so much better"

philly employee: "screw you"

customer: "I am so happy your management changed its draconian policies which made this airline so much better"

philly employee: "screw you"

When management fails. Blame the front line.

Cue the laugh track in Tempe.
LOL your right it is ...

Yo bus driver , i see you say that you can just snap your fingers and go else where , have you tried looking lately ? :lol:

Try actually reading what I post, not what you think I post.

I said life would go on after LCC. It went on after Eastern. It went on after Braniff. It will go on after LCC.

I never said I could snap my fingers and find a job, but with about 20,000 flying hours, mostly captain time in transport jet aircraft including the A320 series, the 767 and 757, and the A330 series, I probably can find a job as a captain fairly easily somewhere on planet earth. I still get emails from the international head hunters looking for pilots with much less qualifications than I have and paying about the same money. In fact, a few years back I was hired over the telephone to fly captain on A320s out of Singapore for more money than USAirways was paying at the time.

But I decided then that I don't care to go overseas to fly airplanes. When LCC tanks, I'll find something non-aviation to do right here. Not all LCC employees are required to have/maintain a brain (the bunch on Rio Salado is a fine example,) but mine is in fine shape, thank you very much. I will be fine after LCC tanks.

Thank you for your concern.
It has never been, I am happy to have a job...
It's "I am working for a company that doesn't know how to run itself..."
The very people we hire to run the company, don't have a clue...
They are young grads of ASU who have no working idea of what they are doing...
Text books are one thing and REAL world is another...

Do you think the People working for the AUTO industry feel they got a good deal out of everything? NO... They all work for company's whos CEO's either didn't have a clue or didn't care... It has always been about the money...Period...

To get on this board and tell me I should be happy to have a job is like saying to someone "You should be happy to be alive"... Living with bad decisions and talking about them is the only way we have to vent the frustrations WE all feel because we live the REAL world... NOT textbooks... If this airline goes under, it won't be because of the employees... But the ones running the company....

Yes time are hard...
Yes it is nice to bring home a paycheck...
But I will be damned, if you think I will be happy with JUST having a job as final justice...

Back in the day we had "Ideas that Fly"
Employee's did the grunt work to come up with ideas and if approved were implemented...
But alas... The company felt they had saved enough money... the ITF was no longer...
Yet... another employee based interaction.... caught by the waist side...

See, the managers weren't coming up with the ideas... WE did...
There was NO way to justify keeping them so.... THEY axed the idea...
Oh, and don't try and tell me that the company met their goal and that was the entire premiss for starting it...
Since when is it a bad thing to save money....
Since when is there a GOAL of money saved, and that's all you want to save...

Get real...
You want to hear something Positive....

It's less than 2 months till FOOTBALL Season...

Just my opinion...

It has never been, I am happy to have a job...
It's "I am working for a company that doesn't know how to run itself..."
The very people we hire to run the company, don't have a clue...
They are young grads of ASU who have no working idea of what they are doing...
Text books are one thing and REAL world is another...

The sad part, is that all you say and others have said is very true.
There is never any thinking done outside the box. There was a time when Aviation=Innovation.
Sad to say those days are gone. Those who ran airlines, did it with a passion.
Look at the roster of executives now and name one that you've seen in person or have spoken to
that had any passion for the job they are in.

Those on the front lines that are there for "a paycheck", well they're there as passionless for the job as those
that are at the top. They're following the example. Can you blame them? How many times do you get your head bashed in, before you settle and go with the flow as long as they paycheck keeps coming.

Mediocrity begets Mediocrity.
The sad part, is that all you say and others have said is very true.
There is never any thinking done outside the box. There was a time when Aviation=Innovation.
Sad to say those days are gone.

{so on and so forth }

Mediocrity begets Mediocrity.

No thinking outside the box ? What do you call the hand scanners that we're now using ? the new uniforms ? the buy on bord program ? The checked bag fee ?adversting on the tray tables ? The new us airways webcite ?the upgrade at the gate for money option ?

I mean if you want to talk about thinking outside the box , the entire merger of us airways and america west to name one ... and without that merger both companies would be DOA ...

you can accuse tempe of alot of things , but i don't think thinking outside the box is one of them .
No thinking outside the box ? What do you call the hand scanners that we're now using ? the new uniforms ? the buy on bord program ? The checked bag fee ?adversting on the tray tables ? The new us airways webcite ?the upgrade at the gate for money option ?
All those items have been tried at other carriers, some surviving, others not. Nothing is new, here. New uniforms are nothing more than a coat of paint. The "new" website is apparently designed by someone who does not use it, with site design seemingly collaborated without integration.

I would say that implementation of all the items you mentioned appear to have been managed by five year olds, but that would be bad to say that five year olds were so incompetent.
No thinking outside the box ? What do you call the hand scanners that we're now using ? the new uniforms ? the buy on bord program ? The checked bag fee ?adversting on the tray tables ? The new us airways webcite ?the upgrade at the gate for money option ?

What do I call those things?

I call those things a joke.

And in my 31 years here, I have never laughed louder.

Nothing positive here.

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