Do you always shread your paper


Aug 21, 2002
I need this for a friend. In res are you told to shread all of your papers upon leaving that has pax info on them. You know we go through tons of paper each day. Never saw a shreader in our office but seems it is a rule now. Please help.
I need this for a friend. In res are you told to shread all of your papers upon leaving that has pax info on them. You know we go through tons of paper each day. Never saw a shreader in our office but seems it is a rule now. Please help.

It's so Bean Counters have no accountability ;)
I need this for a friend. In res are you told to shread all of your papers upon leaving that has pax info on them. You know we go through tons of paper each day. Never saw a shreader in our office but seems it is a rule now. Please help.

sky high states: Apparently someone is sharing information with BEN MUTZABAUGH:

US Airways Q&A addresses outsourcing, oversold flights
In its "EMPLOYEES NEWSLETTER", US Airways includes a Q&A session that lets employees ask questions to management. In the airline's latest newsletter -- dated yesterday -- there are several Q&A's that seem like they'd be of interest to Today in the Sky readers. I'll include two of the more interesting ones below. If there seems to be interest from readers, I'll include a few others on Monday (on topics like a Midwest hub and the airline's fleet plans) For now, here are two questions along with US Airways' answers:

Question (from an employee): "Are we going to eliminate the outsourcing for (reservations)? We get a lot of complaints from (passengers)."

only stating opinions