Do Other Airlines' Employees Pay To Travel ?

dramsey777 said:
It is not unfair to NEW employees. They have to earn their rights just like everyone else did. Seniority is the only FAIR way to go, it's like any job any where it is based on Seniority. That is what you Earn for working.
New people do not have the right to get on before people who have worked longer and harder for the right to fly free!
The new USairways will bear practically no resemblance to your current place of employment. For better or worse.

I would not rely on seniority to get you much of anything in this industry.
pitguy said:
I will take no satisfaction from the hard working dedicated members of management that are trying to do the right thing losing their jobs. However there are some that just never got it at all during the years they have been there. Some (not all) of those people are about to get whacked (some demoted) and yes I will have some satisfaction from that. I do feel for their families, but it has gone on long enough.
Well, unless the merger teams comes up with a fair and efficient way of doing the cuts, I can only assume that history will repeat itself. The good-'ol-boys club will try to stay strong and you will see some of the same people you want to see shown the door move on with the remaining entity. I have witnesses it myself many times. In my opinion, right now we are fat in many areas and could do some trimming, however I am preparing myself to be dissapointed by who stays and who goes.
MarkMyWords said:
Let's see how you feel about that when all the East Coast employees get on the standby list to Hawaii first. ;)
Why would anyone in their right mind try to non-rev to Hawaii especially with a connection in a hub?
I have seen the early list. You are right some good, some bad, and some surprises.
700UW said:
three rounds of concessions, lied to by management and cheated earns the right to piss and moan.

My question (and not just to you but to the others) -

Why did you stay, if you have been treated so poorly and so inhumane? (that you think you have the right to "piss and moan")

Where the heck were your precious unions that you talk so highly about and want to keep? They havent been able to keep you guys out of the situation that you are currently in. Tons of out sourcing, bad employee morale, never mind the fact that you dont make that much more than the HP employee - I would have walked along time ago.


Getting back to the topic at hand.

For HP Non-Rev travel

Employees - Free begining on day 15
Spouse and Dependents (until age 19) - Free
Dependents (19 - 24) must be full time students - Free

Committed Partner - Free w/ tax implications (out of the employee's check)
Parents - $15 plus taxes each way (3 buddy passes will give 2 round-trip parent passes)

Non-Dependents - Buddy pass fare (with out the buddy pass)

International travel only - everyone is responsible for taxes

First Class - $20 dollars or one flexi pass (can be expired)
Typically you will find that the agents will not collect the flexi pass for employees

The list is in 4 different priorities (for the most part)

SA1P - flexi pass upgrade (takes three for an entire family must be on the benefits)
SA2P - employee and anyone traveling with the employee
SA3P- Parents & Dependents/Non-Dependents without the employee & YV employees
SA4P - Everyone else (OAL, Buddy Pass, Travel Agents)

Within each priority your place on the list is based on check-in time - You are not allowed to check in more than 4 hours prior to departure (at the ato, web or a friend) - unless you are from a connecting city and then it is no more than 4 hours from that flight departure time.

This seems to work - it is very easy to check your check-n time using the history of your name - QIK will also prompt you to put in remarks if it is more than 4 hours and trust me people do check this more than you think.

So there it is .....
luvn737s said:
Why would anyone in their right mind try to non-rev to Hawaii especially with a connection in a hub?
The same reason you would try to non-rev to Europe thru a hub. Because they want to go there.
ClearedToPush said:
Why did you stay, if you have been treated so poorly and so inhumane? (that you think you have the right to "piss and moan")
I never understand people (in ANY job or any industry) that constantly complain about how they are "treated", and then do nothing to change the situation.
oldiebutgoody said:
UAIR employees pay to travel also. If you want to go somewhere, you have to buy a ticket, just like anybody else. Nonreving is impossible nowadays.
Thats BS you can fly you just have to pick your times.
And it's 60.00 per year unlimited travel 20.00 to upgrade if there is a seat that one is tough. But U still has the best NRSA travel around.
Those poor bastards at NWA have to....I heard the company charges them $50 per person...up to $200 dollars a YEAR !!! Just for the RIGHT to Non-rev...Like you can even GET ON a plane anymore.....I heard that some of their employees were just gonna stop traveling on NWA and start traveling on OTHER carriers...but NWA told them they were gonna have to pay the $50 to travel on ANYONE !!! And NWA took away the "station agreements" so their employees would be FORCED to travel on NWA......

And just heard that the lost ID chrge for an NWA employee just went up to $100 !!!

That is just one purely EVIL company......
us45366 said:
Those poor bastards at NWA have to....I heard the company charges them $50 per person...up to $200 dollars a YEAR !!! Just for the RIGHT to Non-rev...Like you can even GET ON a plane anymore.....

I'd like to see the ATA or somebody go after the IRS on all the Non Rev rules & restrictions. Most of them are directly related to taxes and the IRS treats this as some big income employees are making. There really should be no tax issues for non-reving, buddy passes etc.. Especially after all the employees in this industry have been through.
I'd like to see the ATA or somebody go after the IRS on all the Non Rev rules & restrictions. Most of them are directly related to taxes and the IRS treats this as some big income employees are making. There really should be no tax issues for non-reving, buddy passes etc.. Especially after all the employees in this industry have been through.

The IRS enforces tax law. They don't write tax law. If you don't think that income in the form of goods and services should be taxable, tell Congress. Congress won't change it, because if you count only US dollars as taxable, we will turn into a barter economy.

The tax basis is an ID90, and the figure on which the 90% off is taken is published by the airline. The airline has 100% control over the taxable value of an ID90. Go complain to them, because that can be changed overnight.
:( No one has answered the question about Retirees flight benefits! I know HP doesn't have many since they are such a Baby airlines but US does.
Like we have said it better be by Hire Date for flying not your stupid Check in time.
dramsey777 said:
:( No one has answered the question about Retirees flight benefits! I know HP doesn't have many since they are such a Baby airlines but US does.
Like we have said it better be by Hire Date for flying not your stupid Check in time.

Get ready to wake up before the roosters.

Wake up,
you sleepy-head

Wake up,
Get out of bed
barbeetantrums said:
Get ready to wake up before the roosters.

Wake up,
you sleepy-head

Wake up,
Get out of bed

Not worried.....
Our roosters crow 3 hrs earlier than yours.