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Dl's China Loss Points Out Network Deficiencies

Today's new route announcements by DL, don't shed much light on overall thinking or how they intend to fix their weaknesses discussed here: Atlantic, Pacific, JFK, etc

Delta Route Announcement

The summary is:
ATL-Jackson WYO (Summer, Sat only)
FLL-Nassau RJs (presumably kicking US when they're down)
aafsc said:
The European Union also, unlike the US government, is not obsessed with decimating the compensation of airlines employees.
If the US government were obsessed with decimating the compensation of airline employees, WN would be squarely in their sights.
mweiss said:
If the US government were obsessed with decimating the compensation of airline employees, WN would be squarely in their sights.

how could the government do anything about WN pay even if they were being targeted? WN isn't in trouble, is not in court, and is not seeking intl routes. The government can't touch WN right now.
SVQLBA said:
Today's new route announcements by DL, don't shed much light on overall thinking or how they intend to fix their weaknesses discussed here: Atlantic, Pacific, JFK, etc

Delta Route Announcement

The summary is:
ATL-Jackson WYO (Summer, Sat only)
FLL-Nassau RJs (presumably kicking US when they're down)

Well, isn't it obvious? Today, Boise. Tomorrow, the world. Maybe Boise will be the "jumping off place" for the Asia service. After all, ORD, LAX, PDX, SFO, and SEA are all pretty crowded already. :lol: