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Dl To Close Dfw/7000 Layoffs

balloonguy said:
I aaume that you meant 737-NG (NextGen)? If so, why would DL get rid of those when the MD-88's are getting pretty old, costly to maintain and, very fuel inefficient??

No, I do not mean the 737 NG. The 737G stands for the 737 Glass. These are 737-300's with a glass cockpit and were aquired from an outfit in Germany. They were operated out of DFW for a number of years and then moved to the shuttle in NYC to replace the 737-800's
7.5victim said:
You say that like it's a fact, luv2fly.... Can you confirm, or is that just your speculation?

A chief pilot.
RDU Jetblast said:
7.5, I was part of that painful ordeal too. I took the golden handshake and never looked back. Joined a regional eight years later before it went bankrupt. Hung up my tools for good. Everything you said about Delta before/ after was dead on.


It was a tough time, no doubt. I used to know all the agents on the old International T concourse, then one day they were all gone, replaced by part timers. I spent months checking out employees who were early outs, or long term leaves. Those were probably some of the hardest months of my professional career. Every day, someone would come in to turn in teir badges that I knew I'd never see again. Then my department reorg'd, and I got moved to PDX. Less than a year later, another reorg, and an offer to move to MCO or BOS. I took the handshake. My experience has paid off, and I'm able to tell my employees just how lucky they are to be at a relatively stable carrier. I love this business, even though every day brings new challenges.
To those DL employees that will be hit by the reduction in DFW. Having been through it myself in STL it will be difficult at times but you will move on not because you want to but because you have no choice. Things are not back to normal for me yet but it is on the right track. Take advantage of everything offered. Good luck.
What is happening with ASA in Dallas. Are all those crews and planes simply moving to ATL? IIRC, the regional terminal in ATL is already overcrowded?
Some will go to SLC or CVG. It was reported on the news here that there would be no flight crew bases--pilots or flight attendants--at DFW.

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