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Another Airline Shattered

On a serious note:

There are less than three months until the election, an election that
will decide the next President of the United States. The man elected
will be the president of ALL Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans.

To show our solidarity as Americans, let's all get together and show
each other our support for the candidate of our choice. It's time
that we all came together, Democrats and Republicans alike.

If you support the policies and character of John Kerry, please drive
with your headlights 'ON' during the day.

If you support President George Bush, please drive with your
headlights 'OFF' at night

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
maddogdriver said:
Since the Ronin is so hell bent on trying to convince everyone all airline pilots make more money and work less than they do, lets talk about they day in the life of Ronin, the "$64,000"/year line mechanic.


1-Get to the ready room. Talk.

2-Take nap.

3-Read paper.


5-Plane comes in. Shows up to plane when the newspaper article is done. Fixes lightbulb.

6-Take nap

7-Walk around terminal


9-WHINE while returning to ready room

10-WHINE durning dream while napping

11-Return to #1
I've sat here patiently and read line after line of your crap. Is there some truth to what your saying - sure. I know your job first hand sucka. I also know the cockpit first hand. I'm half tempted to give you my file# to prove it. Luckily, most mechanics and most pilots are going in the same direction. Get your head out of your ass. Lets look at what you said last night:

The Ronin said:

"How many nights do you think we're home???? How many weekends do you think I have worked at United....How many Christmas Eves, Thanksgiving Day, Easter and other holidays do you think I've missed...."

-cry me a river you baby. sign up to work at an airline...guess what...work holidays. In fact, why don't I quote you on yourself responding to you. This is exactly what I would say to you - fortunately you said it.

The Ronin said:

"Just WAIT A F*CKING MINUTE....YOU ASS****S PICKED A JOB YOU KNEW WOULD KEEP YOU OUT ON THE ROAD!!!!" (or in Ronin's case at work) Ronin continues-"Or am I mis-informed on this point too??? I guess you figured you'd get up at 6 and be home around 5. What WERE you thinking when you read the job description???"

Ronin, you are way too easy of a target. I could go on for days, but have already spent enough time on your miserable life. Typical employee bitching about everyone but himself. The world owes you. You are entitled to this and that. They are entitled to nothing. ME,ME,ME. WAAAAAAAAAA. I feel sorry for your family. Have a good life. It's unfortunate that a great company with so many great employees has an idiot like you. Do us all a favor-Go take a nap in the ready room and don't wake up. We'll be $64,000 closer to getting out of Bancrupcy.

<_< Maddog-----Question? When you engage the "Auto-Pilot", who's flying the Aircraft? Answer: "Maintenance!!!" And how often do you do that??????
Maddog-----Question? When you engage the "Auto-Pilot", who's flying the Aircraft? Answer: "Maintenance!!!" And how often do you do that??????

Being the inventer of the auto pilot system must make you very proud.

Let's see:
Auto pilot does not work.
Replaced A/P unit . Still does not work.
Replaced one more black box. Still does not work.
Checked on off switch.
Switch in off position. Problem fixed.

Of course, if the plane is an over nighter, stores has already brought up the 20 some parts that can fix the problem. The good mechanic can change out the first part and fix it. The bad one might take 8 parts.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
Since the Ronin is so hell bent on trying to convince everyone all airline pilots make more money and work less than they do, lets talk about they day in the life of Ronin, the "$64,000"/year line mechanic.


1-Get to the ready room. Talk.

2-Take nap.

3-Read paper.


5-Plane comes in. Shows up to plane when the newspaper article is done. Fixes lightbulb.

6-Take nap

7-Walk around terminal


9-WHINE while returning to ready room

10-WHINE durning dream while napping

11-Return to #1
To Ronin and our other fine UAL mechanics, I apologize for Maddog's above copied post. I hope you know that the UAL pilots do not echo his opinion. We all work hard for our money. Some in each workgroup work harder and are more dedicated than others. Unfortunately, in the seniority system, those who deserve to keep their jobs do not always get the chance because they were hired on a date just a bit to late.

Thanks for the lively discussion though. These message boards ARE here to try an enlighten others about one another's opinion and job situation. While I can assume some talk about me as a pilot poorly behind my back, I have never once had a problem with the way my UAL mechanics have treated my crew face to face. Keep up the good work, and hang in there.

BigRed, don't even think about apologizing to the Ronin-the guy is a baby. That letter was written directly and exclusively towards the baby himself (that's why it's titled "THE DAY IN THE LIFE OF RONIN"). If I offended any other mechanics, I'm saying right now - sorry. Most mechanics, pilots, flight attendants, gate agents, ramp, etc at United are the best of the best. Additionally, the same work groups are now responsible for the future of this company. The devisive posts coming from The Baby are doing nothing to help any work group. I sat back and read his crap for too many months. Ive made my comments. You can take them anyway you want. Maybe you agree with him......so be it. Just don't take my post out of context.....it was towards The Ronin. He's probably crying now wwwaaaaaaa. maddog better email me. wwwaaaaaaa
maddogdriver said:
BigRed, don't even think about apologizing to the Ronin-the guy is a baby. That letter was written directly and exclusively towards the baby himself (that's why it's titled "THE DAY IN THE LIFE OF RONIN"). If I offended any other mechanics, I'm saying right now - sorry. Most mechanics, pilots, flight attendants, gate agents, ramp, etc at United are the best of the best. Additionally, the same work groups are now responsible for the future of this company. The devisive posts coming from The Baby are doing nothing to help any work group. I sat back and read his crap for too many months. Ive made my comments. You can take them anyway you want. Maybe you agree with him......so be it. Just don't take my post out of context.....it was towards The Ronin. He's probably crying now wwwaaaaaaa. maddog better email me. wwwaaaaaaa
Then make a date with me....or do you leave your balls home when you fly too....
Oh I'm sorry....once again I'm mistaken.....your boyfriend keeps them in a jar until you get back home so you wont cheat right.....
You know the topic was in regards to what ALPA was currently doing at DAL and what I believe has been irresponsible behavior at UAL and in the industry as a whole. You dragged your feet grabbing fat paychecks until you tried to pass off on another bullsh*t plan w/management which the ATSB shot down. You have sold out yourselves with screwing narrow-body aircrews not to mention all the RJ's to save your upper elite and maintain status quo. Is the IAM guilty....hell ya. Did we finally get rid of them...by the grace of god, we did. Did we get something better in place...not really. The SAME problems are still here and still nothing is being done about it except HOPING for better days. Maintenance wants to be an MRO....fine, but you're going to have to structure it like an MRO....aint happening unless you call mass layoffs change. One on one, I've never had an issue with aircrews....but as a collective I think ALPA has hurt many, many people. As the highest paid employee group and so-called officers, don't you feel a little responsible for leadership and direction of this airline. Or are you just " ex-cancelled check haulers who got the big break and f*ck everyone else?" Hate to tell you this, but there are a lot of little people who don't understand any of this and look to you guys (not me of course, cause I'm an assh*le). What DO I NOT SUPPORT???? What am I doing other than the fact of pointing out some serious problems and inadequacies. Maddog obviously CAN"T read or he is overdosing on Viagra and his eyes aren't working, because he obviously has not read all previous posts before opening his slit to mis-quote just about everything I have said. PORTION DELETED
The Ronin said:
You know the topic was in regards to what ALPA was currently doing at DAL and what I believe has been irresponsible behavior at UAL and in the industry as a whole. You dragged your feet grabbing fat paychecks until you tried to pass off on another bullsh*t plan w/management which the ATSB shot down. You have sold out yourselves with screwing narrow-body aircrews not to mention all the RJ's to save your upper elite and maintain status quo. Is the IAM guilty....hell ya. Did we finally get rid of them...by the grace of god, we did. Did we get something better in place...not really. The SAME problems are still here and still nothing is being done about it except HOPING for better days. Maintenance wants to be an MRO....fine, but you're going to have to structure it like an MRO....aint happening unless you call mass layoffs change. One on one, I've never had an issue with aircrews....but as a collective I think ALPA has hurt many, many people. As the highest paid employee group and so-called officers, don't you feel a little responsible for leadership and direction of this airline. Or are you just " ex-cancelled check haulers who got the big break and f*ck everyone else?" Hate to tell you this, but there are a lot of little people who don't understand any of this and look to you guys (not me of course, cause I'm an assh*le). What DO I NOT SUPPORT???? What am I doing other than the fact of pointing out some serious problems and inadequacies. Maddog obviously CAN"T read or he is overdosing on Viagra and his eyes aren't working, because he obviously has not read all previous posts before opening his slit to mis-quote just about everything I have said. So I got tired of hiding behind this BB and said hey....you want to talk about it face to face...lets go...
One said fine...the other sniveled and ran away like a dog hit in the ass by a bb-gun....such is life :up:

Thanks for the laughs!!!

If I can't convince people I'm right, I'll fight 'em!

Are you just pissed that the ATP license requires "good moral character"? And now here you are trying to read illegible write-ups in the logbook on a dark and rainy night?

Do you wanna meet out back after school now? Should I be scared?

I know you're just joking, so thanks again for the laughs. Who said no one at UAL has a sense of humor!
bigJ said:
Thanks for the laughs!!!

If I can't convince people I'm right, I'll fight 'em!

Are you just pissed that the ATP license requires "good moral character"? And now here you are trying to read illegible write-ups in the logbook on a dark and rainy night?

Do you wanna meet out back after school now? Should I be scared?

I know you're just joking, so thanks again for the laughs. Who said no one at UAL has a sense of humor!



Didn't get that carmel topping on the cheesecake again?
ATP = "good moral character" ???


bigJ said:
Thanks for the laughs!!!

If I can't convince people I'm right, I'll fight 'em!

Are you just pissed that the ATP license requires "good moral character"? And now here you are trying to read illegible write-ups in the logbook on a dark and rainy night?

Do you wanna meet out back after school now? Should I be scared?

I know you're just joking, so thanks again for the laughs. Who said no one at UAL has a sense of humor!

Oh come on....its going to be great. Just like the UFC with AMFA in my corner and ALPA in the other....ya know.....octagon....music....smoke....hey, maybe we can get the F/A's to be ring girls????....aaaah, maybe not 😛
Actually, a lot has been said about me, or implied. I wish to change that image of which I don't seem to have articulated well on this board. So an agreement has been made to discuss various issues and view points in a meeting. I don't predict any knock-outs though. :shock:
Didn't get that carmel topping on the cheesecake again?
ATP = "good moral character" ???



No, UAL_Tech. Not like that. You see, that little incident is nothing more than "urban legend" written in a newspaper. It makes for interesting reading and sells newspapers, but unfortunately was not the complete truth.

An example of "good moral character" is more like when your co-workers were punching each other in and out of work on the time clock when they really weren't there doing the job. Remember that little scandal? I do. Does that help you better understand "good moral character"?

ualdriver said:
Didn't get that carmel topping on the cheesecake again?
ATP = "good moral character" ???



No, UAL_Tech. Not like that. You see, that little incident is nothing more than "urban legend" written in a newspaper. It makes for interesting reading and sells newspapers, but unfortunately was not the complete truth.

An example of "good moral character" is more like when your co-workers were punching each other in and out of work on the time clock when they really weren't there doing the job. Remember that little scandal? I do. Does that help you better understand "good moral character"?

Never read it in the paper...but I did see the meter.
Punching timeclocks....that's not very nice....what did they ever do to anyone...LOL :up:
Ualdriver – Post #10 of this thread

Hey High Iron, I'm just playing with Ronin. You and I both know the reality that exists at Delta, United, and US Air and the reasons they are where they are. Ronin doesn't. And I certainly don't fault the IAM at US Air for not negotiating considering the flagrant violation of their contract concerning the Airbus overhauls, among other things. Just like I can understand Delta ALPA being extremely hesitant to agree to large, unilateral give backs to a management team that they don't trust (remember the secret Delta management retirement plans while their management was cutting everyone else's benefits?) Unfortunately, Ronin likes to post inflammatory inaccuracies that blame ALPA and/or pilots for everything evil on earth, so sometimes I get bored and respond to his posts to show how out of touch with reality he is. Please take no offense!


Hey Ronin, it's all ALPA's fault!

No, UAL_Tech. Not like that. You see, that little incident is nothing more than "urban legend" written in a newspaper. It makes for interesting reading and sells newspapers, but unfortunately was not the complete truth.

An example of "good moral character" is more like when your co-workers were punching each other in and out of work on the time clock when they really weren't there doing the job. Remember that little scandal? I do. Does that help you better understand "good moral character"?


Cheesecake Rage

At the operations center in Elk Grove Township, an e-mail arrived from a United 777 captain. Not for the first time, he wanted the bosses to know, the support crew at the Dulles International Airport hub had messed up.

"They are boarding plain cheesecake, with no topping of any kind, with the crew meals, " the pilot wrote. The flight crew was supposed to get the same dessert as business-class passengers, he noted, and "business-class... this day got cheesecake with a caramel-nut topping.

The e-mail only underscored the central argument against giving United a federal loan guarantee: The airline was still focused on petty sniping rather than fixing its problems.


We can play this game tit-for-tat but the outcome will be the same, we ‘both’ loose.

Other than having the ESOP shoved down my throat ( or up my neither reaches, as the case may be ),
I never had issues with my pilot coworkers (is that insulting?).

At least until ALPA downplayed the outsourcing of mechanic jobs, closing of INDY & OAK, and that
little discussion on pensions that we had. The recommendation that we ‘outsource’ line
maintenance as well doesn’t sit well with me, and shows the lack of mutual support that
we should (IMHO) be seeking.

The fact of the matter is that many experienced mechanics are leaving the industry by voluntary
and/or involuntary means and I have met few that will seek future employment in the aviation
industry (myself included).

‘If’ I were to keep my position for minimum wage, my work ethics and philosophy would not
change because that is who I am and what I do. I’m anal retentive through my military education
and of years of working in this industry. However, you will not get that level of experience
and dedication in the future as I will not prostitute my services for less.

As an experienced pilot, you know that going to ‘plane’ school does not give one the total
education that a person acquires through years of experience and dedication.

This also applies to mechanics.

Next time you ‘kick the tires and light the fires’ you might take that into consideration.


Threatening to take someone out to the woodshed for a beating is a little childish (don’t you think?)

BigRed1 :up:
atabuy said:
Being the inventer of the auto pilot system must make you very proud.

Let's see:
Auto pilot does not work.
Replaced A/P unit . Still does not work.
Replaced one more black box. Still does not work.
Checked on off switch.
Switch in off position. Problem fixed.

Of course, if the plane is an over nighter, stores has already brought up the 20 some parts that can fix the problem. The good mechanic can change out the first part and fix it. The bad one might take 8 parts.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
<_< atabuy-----First of all, I never sugested that I invented the auto- pilot! Second, It sounds like you would actually have to fly that aircraft! What a noval idea!!!!!!

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