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DL expands SEA further with SEA-SFO flights

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And AS has filed for SEA-CUN flights.
and may they succeed at what they do...

did we mention that AS is cancelling PDX-ATL service?
WorldTraveler said:
WE are having a conversation, aren't WE?
To be fair, the rest of us never can be sure which "we" WT refers to...

It could refer to WT and Delta, WT and his multiple user accounts, or WT and others in the Airline Forums community.

Something to consider clarifying once in a while...
I have no other user account on any aviation chat forum than WorldTraveler on this forum.

the WE refers to 700 and I who have been having this conversation.

The question remains whether WE (he and I) discussed AS' cancellation of ATL-PDX service.
you always have been more focused on reputation scores that the accuracy of the content that goes in the box.... you are consistent year after year at least.
We're both here to deliver commentary and viewpoints.

What our respective scores tell me is

1) I'm doing better at getting my point across than you are
2) I'm not pissing off nearly as many people as you are
1 & 2.
2 and only 2.

I am here to speak the truth regardless of whose toes I step on.... I have never said my goal was to be beholden to anyone.

The subject of this thread is a case in point- contrary to much of the yada which has been posted by others, I said that DL would grow its SEA hub and would not be daunted by whatever AS does nor would they find refuge in the arms of anyone else.

...or my discussions about AA's problems making it in Tokyo - evidenced by not one but two AA JFK - Tokyo routes being pulled and another one from ORD on a reduced schedule after I have consistently noted AA's revenue disadvantage .

Just like my crystal clear predictions about how the DL-WN showdown would happen in ATL, this one will be yet another piece of proof that I call them the way I see them and have the track record to show that I was right.

Each of those predictions and the commentary on them cost me a lot of negative votes..... I would far rather be known as being right and unpopular than popular but completely wrong...

but YMMV
Oh, let's be clear, the predictions didn't win you negative votes.

It's the way you engage others. Enroll in a Dale Carnegie course already...
so the way someone else speaks to you causes you to write inaccurate information?

wow... just wow.

The topic is DL's SEA expansion and I went on record early that it would end up with DL achieving its strategic goals, AS would end up with a competing hub on its home turf, and no one - AA included - will be able to mitigate the bad strategic decision that AS made.

It's been a few weeks since we've seen another volley from either side regarding schedule additions... think we are at a standstill for this year?
eolesen said:
That certainly explains -610 and falling.
Now it's -578 and improving, so it's clear that either WT has quite a few friends and family willing to help out or that WT was lying.  
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