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DL expands SEA further with SEA-SFO flights

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AdAstraPerAspera said:
The reason Delta Air Lines exists is because there were some crops in Bibb County that needed dusting.
DL was founded in Louisiana where they don't have counties. They have Parishes.

Monroe, LA, DL's birthplace, is in Ouachita Parish.

And Delta made money doing crop dusting.

Kev3188 said:
That's right, it's not, hence most of the posts being fairly blase.

Why you keep trying to frame this as a sort of revolution in commercial aviation is beyond me...
I noted the upgrade... you and a million other people on here tried to come up with a million reasons why demand couldn't have been the reason.

DL made the decision because they can make money. Period.
WorldTraveler said:
I noted the upgrade... you and a million other people on here tried to come up with a million reasons why demand couldn't have been the reason.
Nope, I and a "million other" people merely pointed out that there may be more than one factor in play here, or any combo thereof.
DL made the decision because they can make money. Period.
How are you able to definitively make that claim?

You saying none of the other items noted are even possible?
AdAstraPerAspera said:
How very disappointed I am in your lack of knowledge of Delta history. 🙁
yes, Macon was the beginning... the headquarters moved to MLU.  
Kev3188 said:
Nope, I and a "million other" people merely pointed out that there may be more than one factor in play here, or any combo thereof.

How are you able to definitively make that claim?

You saying none of the other items noted are even possible?
I didn't say that no other factors COULD be at play.

Several had the nerve to say the reason couldn't have been demand.

I raised the issue of operational reasons in my original post.

What neither you or anyone else can admit is that DL's enormous profitability means they don't make operational decisions that can't be supported by profitability.

DL wouldn't have upgraded to a 757 if there weren't a market and they couldn't have made money doing so.

This isn't a pushing match based on getting even.

This is a profit-motivated decision to expand into key markets.

Nothing more, nothing less.

DL's history in MCN, MLU, and ATL all share the same goal.
the track record of being the world's most profitable airline?

You don't generate profits far higher than your peers by doing stupid stuff.

since you want to see proof, we can wait til DOT data is available to show that DL did as well as Alaska.

Shall we do that?

there are no long-term secrets in this business.
and you can't anymore prove that DL's decision is for any other reason. If you can, prove it.
That's just it- I never said I could.

I'm just not convinced it's solely for the reasons you want it to be, nor do I think it's the watershed event you've tried to portray it as.

One route. One upgauge. Many possible reasons. No more, no less.
Except it is in a key competitive market... you do realize we are talking about DL's expansion from SEA, don't you?
you should be... the topic IS SEA, no?

DL expands SEA further with SEA-SFO flights
you're the one that has beat a single post into a frenzy.

Suppose you could work on that representation campaign that has been four, I mean five, I mean six years in the making?

there are people in Atlanta who are calling the shots on when, where, and how DL flies - and they are very good at what they do.
They knew what they were doing when they made the decision to add SEA-SFO and SEA-JNU and they aren't about to stop in the middle of the winning streak they are on.
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