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DL adds SEA-SNA and ATL-HAV service

NHBB, you are OFF my Christmas card list.  AS is a wonderful smaller airline that does not need AA to survive.  Since you allegedly are such a union man, why do you want AS to go under or get bought out and a bunch of employees lose their jobs?  Aye, a pox on ye.
Both AS and DL can and will survive and thrive. AS has no desire to merge with a larger and higher cost carrier.
jimntx said:
NHBB, you are OFF my Christmas card list.  AS is a wonderful smaller airline that does not need AA to survive.  Since you allegedly are such a union man, why do you want AS to go under or get bought out and a bunch of employees lose their jobs?  Aye, a pox on ye.
Stop that kind of talk Jim !
I don't want AS to go under, and never want a fellow union person to lose a job !
NO union person from US lost a job because of AA   !!!!!
I'm just saying that, it wouldn't break my ...." little pea-pickin' heart" if AS felt really threatened, and needed the STRONG assistance of the  " B I G  -  D O G ".  Thats all I'm implying, bottom line.
(Am I Back on your  ' C C ' list now Jim ) ???
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Forget HAV for a second, and lets revert back to SEA.   Though you'll NEVER believe it in a million years, I hope and pray that DL squeezes the shite out of AS in SEA. (for selfish reasons)  If AS does find themselves in a corner with no way out (courtesy of DL) (in SEA), there is One and only One carrier that could solve ALL their problems and thats the BIG DOG......AA.
As you're well aware, UAL wants nothing to do with that SEA WAR, and no other US carrier, be it WN or HA or B6 or Spirit or anyother regional could fix that (hypothetical) problem for AS.
So, Have-at-it.  Squeeze Away  !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Stop that kind of talk Jim !
I don't want AS to go under, and never want a fellow union person to lose a job !
NO union person from US lost a job because of AA   !!!!!
I'm just saying that, it wouldn't break my ...." little pea-pickin' heart" if AS felt really threatened, and needed the STRONG assistance of the  " B I G  -  D O G ".  Thats all I'm implying, bottom line.
(Am I Back on your  ' C C ' list now Jim ) ???
Nice try, but you can't pull the WT "That's not what I said.  What I said was" trick on me.  There is no other explanation for your "I hope DL squeezes the shite out of AS in SEA" statement.
and AS and DL both posted very strong financial results. The notion that one is going to lose at the expense of the other might be driven by competitive juices but isn't supported by what is actually happening.

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