DL expands SEA further with SEA-SFO flights

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and I haven't told you that you can't participate based on any of those qualifications.

I have told you that I will treat you with respect if you refrain from your "almighty, WalMart, spokesman, greatest etc" language. 
so in other threads when other posters use almighty delta  its ok  but for me to use it  its not...  I don't play that crap pal  simple fact is and your posts verify it all   you think delta can do no wrong  and all the other airlines can do no right    you think delta is the world's best airline   well  they are not..   theyre a good airline just like the other air carriers... 
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those are all your conclusions and not mine.... and I have repeatedly challenged others to verify where I have said those things.

They haven't.
Focus on the topic at hand and recognize you work in a highly competitive industry.
If you don't want to know about the competitive nature of the industry, then don't hang out on a website that caters to participants who support multiple airlines.
Rich indeed.


First: Interview spots for the tower should be wrapped up by now. Sr. Coordinators are next, and that too may be either done or still underway.

Next: Just for WT: One of the best managers in the game is still in SEA. He's ex-NW, so I'm happy at least one has survived the ethnic cleansing so far. The employees he oversees are better off because of it.

Lastly: I received a note on FB from a friend working out there. The flyers we've been discussing across multiple threads on this site are sparking lots of positive discussions and progress in the Emerald City. IMO, that's both (at least tangentially) relevant to this thread, and a good news story.
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thank you for focusing on the issues, Kevin and for your insights.
Ethnic cleansing seems a bit much, don't you think?  There are plenty of ex-NW people still in leadership positions throughout DL.  We've been thru it before, but there are multiple evidences that DL did incorporate a number of NW ideas, processes, and people as part of the merger.
Yes, I know technology is your biggest issue - or it was at one time - but if you recall, DL originally intended to keep NW's res system over DL's but found out later that the cost of moving DL's system to NW's including all of the back office and peripheral systems was a whole lot more expensive than the other way around. 
UA's IT disasters have confirmed that their decision to "down size" to what CO used has not worked well while it is a given that AA will do a far better job than UA.  WN has taken a very slow phased in approach which has worked for them.
If you want to talk about ethnic cleansing, you probably don't want to go walking down the halls of AA's headquarters about right now checking names off of last year's corporate directory.
UA/CO might not have been quite as extreme but there remain enormous public cultural tensions that far exceeded what DL had at the same point in time.
Much of FL's network was wiped out along with alot of their people.
Whether you believe it or not, DL's track record validates they did the merger well.  Could some things have been better? absolutely.  But we have yet to see any of DL's peer airlines do appreciably better. 
Very glad to hear that SEA is growing and people are looking at the alternatives. Nothing is wrong with that.  SEA will be a very key part of DL's network and DL is achieving its strategic goals, as I stated they would.  Much of the west coast growth focus will now shift to LAX as SEA makes the announced growth work.  Stay tuned. 
It would be worth their while to look across the ramp and remember how AS treated their unionized employees as part of the decision process. 
You have no idea what you're talking about sometimes, WT, especially on the IT side.

I can guarantee I've got more LinkedIn contacts at both AA and in Tempe than you do, and the only ones who were left without a chair so far chose to take a buyout, and then immediately went to work for Sabre or WN.

So there's been no such ethnic cleansing at AA. The list of officers and directors who left was pretty well known before the close, and don't forget that the larger impact will be felt in Tempe. Likewise for the UA/CO merge -- not everyone wanted to move from Houston to Chicago. It wasn't for a lack of options -- a fair number of S-UA people left rather than commute to downtown, which opened up a lot of positions for those willing to move. UA was even hiring off the street for some jobs...

Sure, there are a few NW survivors in various places at DL, but they're the exceptions. The impression still remains that DL worked to eradicate all traces of NW. The token "regional" HDQ they left behind in Eagan was decimated a few years after the merger, as was the "regional training center" even though the other regional center in SLC was left alone...

Duplicate functions always get eliminated. That's a fact. But so far, Parker seems to be the one doing it in a quasi respectful manner where one's pedigree is less important than their capabilities.
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unless you or Kev or anyone else can provide copies of the personnel files of all of the affected employees, there is NO BASIS for arguing that one carrier used "ethnic cleansing"  to remove the influence of their merger partner while at others people left by choice.
There were plenty of NW people who chose not to move from MSP to ATL.  It was known when the merger was announced that ATL would be the home of the merged airline.  Same is true for UA and WN.  TO argue that AA people left because they didn't want to work for Parker even when the HDQ wasn't going anywhere but that DL purged NW people when there was a move of the HDQ Is just plain ridiculous.
All of the airlines offered packages and many people took them.
The only difference between DL-WN and AA-US, UA-CO, and WN-FL is that DL and WN both made it clear which name would remain, that the headquarters would remain where it was with the larger company and that the majority of the leaders of the new company would come from the larger company.  That isn't ethnic purging.
Given that the majority of senior leaders at the new AA are from US despite AA having been much larger, it is impossible to argue that there wasn't a major housecleaning.  Whether people left voluntarily before the merger or not is immaterial.  It was known at the time of the merger announcement that Parker would be the leader and that few of the AA execs would survive.  Everyone down the AA org structure knew what was coming and fled.
AA represents the most dramatic change of leadership of any of the big 4 mergers.  If you want to argue otherwise, create one of your graphics of the top 10 leaders at each company today and show where they came from. 
Kev, you keep saying the drive has momentum, cards are begun signed etc and have been saying so for years. Why hasn't the IAM filed for an election? Perhaps they really don't have all that much support that you and others seem to suggest.

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Kev3188 said:
If revisionist history is your thing, sure...
no revision.  DL and NW both decided they wanted a different airline.  DL is different than it was before BK and the DL of today is not NW. 
737823 said:
Kev, you keep saying the drive has momentum, cards are begun signed etc and have been saying so for years. Why hasn't the IAM filed for an election? Perhaps they really don't have all that much support that you and others seem to suggest.

Nothing worth doing comes easy.
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