DL expands SEA further with SEA-SFO flights

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737823 said:
Don't understand why everyone is so caught up with the rep score. I speak my mind and share unpopular view points from time to time, and if my posts get votes down so be it.
Nothing wrong with that. Like something? Vote it up. Don't? Vote it down. And so on.

But to claim not to care about such a system while furiously trying to engineer a false positive score is something entirely different...
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well what do you know but if the three people who I have proven wrong the most don't decide to jump into a conversation that is SUPPOSED to be about DL's SEA buildup... and then they have the nerve to cry about me taking threads off topic and then go running to the mods to lock them.

You are free to call a pension plan what you want but the US Department of Labor and the IRS include eefined Contribution plans as retirement plans.

But of course they are only the government so what do they know?

If you support RM systems, then the companies that pay for the services you render are being ripped off.

No one can possibly say that adding a leg to a hub will reduce the value of the revenue that is obtained from the local market if they understand even the most basic principles of revenue mgmt.

Funny that Kev wants to know throw his weight behind E's statements about reputation scores now that the hundreds and hundreds of negative votes he gave me can't be seen.... but what he did wasn't engineering... it was just pure spite at being shown to be wrong about his views on DL's ability to fend off worthless unions (or that is the way DL employees see them).

guess this philosophy has only come to you fairly recently? like after you were engineering my reputation score?
Nothing wrong with that. Like something? Vote it up. Don't? Vote it down. And so on.

But to claim not to care about such a system while furiously trying to engineer a false positive score is something entirely different...

Funny also that E was always quick to point to Veritas as the proof of someone voting down my posts by the hundreds of pages but E himself was never willing to do it...


E can't walk away because he can't admit that someone else knows more than him. He has to be the expert on subjects which he clearly doesn't know.
But instead of walking away, he has to resort to every measure of personal attack. The post voting system is just one of them.

Honestly, to use one's own name and picture and then engage in a campaign to denigrate someone else while promoting your own professional capabilities sounds to me like all that is needed for being sent to a psychologist.

reputation scores are based on the accuracy of what is said...even if E is stuck in some childish popularity contest in an attempt to boost his self-esteem.

And as much as it rocks your boat, E, did it cross your little mind that perhaps there are a whole lot of people who you alienated in your undenying allegiance to AA mgmt., even as those mgmt. people told AA labor that they were the problem?

Did it cross your little mind that the people who are left to pick up the messes at AA could care less if AA flies from LAX to PVG subsidized by AA employee cuts?

Those same employees also don't honestly care what AA does on the west coast but they are tired of taking pay cuts in order to fund AA mgmt.'s incompetent decisions which you have fiercely defended time and time again.

When you three get the basics of the industry figured out including how DL will win this little contest with AS, you can get back to us. For right now, the ridiculous statements about RM systems, WN's expansion in ATL, AA's Asian operation, and all of the "abuse" that DL heaps on its employees is how the readers of this forum see you.
WorldTraveler said:
well what do you know but if the three people who I have proven wrong the most don't decide to jump into a conversation that is SUPPOSED to be about DL's SEA buildup... and then they have the nerve to cry about me taking threads off topic and then go running to the mods to lock them.
Oh, I asked questions about AS & SEA. Did you miss them?

Also, remind me how/where/when I've been proven wrong. Bonus points if it can be a comparative study since I'm somehow in the top 3.

I suspect it's a small pool since so many people no longer choose to engage you.

reputation scores are based on the accuracy of what is said...even if E is stuck in some childish popularity contest in an attempt to boost his self-esteem.
Are they?

Can you tell us what is "accurate" about manufacturing a false-positive rep score?
Can anyone tell me who posted this in the closed Delta Flight Cut thread?

Posted 26 November 2013 - 02:13 PM


and you have said what that actually contributed to the discussion? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Neither has 700 either.

just lock the thread.

It was over your and 700's head the minute it was posted but you are the ones who have said absolutely nothing to contribute to it other than worrying about an early out for a couple of RJ flight reductions and the pushback by a couple of int'l flights for a couple of weeks?

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because you really don't want to discuss the topics.. you want to derail them so someone who actually knows about them can't speak.

You can't discuss the real issues so you and E and Kev turn to character assassination. that is all you know how to do.

The topic is DL's SEA buildup. DO you have anything to contribute to it?
WorldTraveler said:
..did it cross your little mind
Did it cross your little mind...
When you three get the basics of the industry figured out including how DL will win this little contest with AS,
So we've got two attempts at an insult, and one inaccurate appraisal about the battle for SEA.

The topic is DL's SEA buildup. DO you have anything to contribute to it?
I do. Maybe when you're done throwing today's tantrum you can answer the questions I posted?
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the topic is DL's buildup of SEA.

Focus on the topic at hand or YOU will be thrown off the forum.

We are not going to lock threads every time the three of you decide to show up and hijack it in personal attacks on other users.

Stay on task with the topic or get off the board.

what do you think is inaccurate about the buildup of SEA? and what evidence do you use to prove that it is inaccurate?
Again, if everyone keeps saying they don't care about reputation points why are you all harping on WT and his score? Out of one side of your mouth you are saying you don't care yet everyone keeps beating around this bush to no end. Again what do the scores prove? It isn't a scientific measure of the quality of the contribution or ones' "reputation" on the forum, people post what they want and judge accordingly.

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I agree with you 100% Josh but the topic is DL's SEA buildup.

If "those 3" want to start a topic about WT, they can - but somewhere else.

They will either participate in the business issues of the topic or be banned from the forum.
WorldTraveler said:
the topic is DL's buildup of SEA.

Focus on the topic at hand or YOU will be thrown off the forum.

We are not going to lock threads every time the three of you decide to show up and hijack it in personal attacks on other users.

Stay on task with the topic or get off the board.

what do you think is inaccurate about the buildup of SEA? and what evidence do you use to prove that it is inaccurate?
I've asked topic-related questions. You must've been so busy fueling your martyr complex that you missed them. Go back and look. Or don't.

As for the rest of the post: Spare us.
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no you cited one half sentence and said that it was incorrect. If you would like to go back and tell us what you disagree with in a coherent statement, then I will respond to it.

The topic is DL's SEA buildup, Kev.
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and others need to manufacture a lower score for others...

And get all worked up when some users really do have other people to vote their scores up. It's ok for you to get positive votes but not them, right?

but what does any of that have to do with DL in SEA, Kev?

Take the rest of the topic elsewhere. No one else is interested.

All I see is that you think that the statement that DL will win in this spat with AS is incorrect. Put on your best game theory hat and tell us how that will happen, Kev.
WorldTraveler said:
no you cited one half sentence and said that it was incorrect. If you would like to go back and tell us what you disagree with in a coherent statement, then I will respond to it.

The topic is DL's SEA buildup, Kev.
None of that is accurate.

Again, I've asked topical questions here. If you don't want to answer them, that's fine. Hopefully someone will at some point.

But all this thrashing & wailing from you is really a bit much, dontcha think?
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