Can we compare my career starting from May 10, 1995 in ACS (Fleet) with those of all my counterparts over that 20 year period? Delta, Continental, TWA, NWA, UAL, US, SWA (I won't count LCC's because I know I have all of them beat)
Out of that group over that time frame who would you say has received the most in pay and benefits in your opinion? From the time DL declared BK to today, how long do you think it took my counterpart to bypass me?
My counterpart today, right now at DL I congratulate him. What he's going to get on Dec 1 in wages is going to blow me completely out of the water compared to what I make right now. Congratulations and kudo's. Well earned and deserved. (Not counting those medical and prescription deductibles)
Seriously and I don't care if you hate our Unions over here or not. Do you really think I'm going to be behind him for long? And no matter what I still have the one thing over him that has to count for something in your mind. An employment contract.