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District 142 Negotiations Update

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It took 50 years to get bought out by a smaller regional airline!!!!!!!!!!!

( what's with the ME ME ME ME ME ME all of the time and dropping names???)
That's just how 700uw is. He's in the know with everybody and everything, he's the greatest union man ever. Just ask him and he'll tell ya. I know for sure, he's my hero!! :down: :lol: :down:
Well here is a case in point AMFA went on strike at NWA and lost it all, now they finally concieted and lost the majority of the jobs to scabs and vendors, so who faired better? And the AMTs who were scabs at NW dont even have to join AMFA to remain employed.

At least AMFA went down fighting! The spinless leadership of the IAM didn't even have the balls to make a recommendation when the company gave its final offer! And guess which union represented some of the workers who agreed to perform some of the work that AMFA did? The IAM!! A portion of the scabs you are referring to actually came from the IAM, that sure helps a working man's cause! And lets see how long it takes before the IAM tries to start organizing those scabs at Northwest!! I wouldnt say the IAM faired any better at U they lost the majority of their work to vendors lost thousands of jobs and 50 years worth of benefits and the IAM didnt even put up a fight, your defense of the IAM is weak at best and you talk out of both sides of your mouth you want to blame the leadership at AMFA but the membership at the IAM. At least the Leadership at AMFA took a stand unlike the Frightened Machnists!
August 25, 2007
File: USA-18
Transition negotiations resumed Thursday August 23rd and continued through late Friday August 24,
2007. The discussions this week were of a different tone, being less combative and finally more
productive. Discussions focused on job security and economic issues.
Your committee continues to address the economic needs of the membership without eroding the job
security provided by the Article 2 Scope provisions.
Due to the unavailability of the Mediator, meetings are tentatively scheduled to resume September 5,
2007, once again at the National Mediation Board offices in Washington, D.C.
Your continued support is greatly appreciated and you will be advised of future developments as they
Sincerely and fraternally,
Tom Higginbotham Thomas Regan Joe Adinolfi
Bill Freiberger Frank Schifano Tony Giammarco
General Chairmen
Sean Ryan John Coveny Bill Wise Randy Griffith Mick Walker
Alan Rennie Ronnie White Jason Quade
Negotiating Committee
cc: R. Roach, Jr.
S. Pantoja
T. Brickner
District 142 Executive Board
opeiu #320
There are strength in numbers but no union can get you everything another group has since they had over 50 years of negotiating and giving and taking and even a strike.

I guess you forgot about how CWA agreed to outsource 50% of reservations.

Well here is a case in point AMFA went on strike at NWA and lost it all, now they finally concieted and lost the majority of the jobs to scabs and vendors, so who faired better? And the AMTs who were scabs at NW dont even have to join AMFA to remain employed.

So in reality AFMA lost more than the IAM did, in a similar situation.

Seems to me you want everything the mechancis have and have gotten since negotiations from 1949, I hate to tell you this but that does not happen in the real world.

You can run an airline with out rampers, you can outsource heavy mtc, but you will always need line maintenance to keep an airline flying.

Look at what Alaska did at SEA, their largest hub, laidoff all the ramp and outsourced, bottom line it is suppy and demand.

And once again your fellow IAM Ramp Brothers and Sisters, ratified every concession ever set in front of them.

Can't change history.
700, you're wrong about the IAM fleet service ratifying every concession ever set in front of them. The ramp rejected a contract in 1999.

Don't know the history of Alaska Air, but did the rampers in Sea for Alaska vote themselves out of a job?

It was your first TA that was rejected, you never had a CBA therefore you did not take concessions under a CBA nor rejected a concessionary CBA as you were under the PPG.

Don't let the facts get in your way!
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