141M/142 semantics. Either way, US mechs.
Voted twice, spin it how you like. Could have voted no again, right?
When IAM was selling themselves during the run-up to election, they (at that time,D141 mechs) sold the "strength in numbers" BS. As soon as IAM was certified, did they unite mechs and fleet to achieve that? They did not. Did the local lodges, controlled by mechs, welcome fleet participation? They did not. It got so out of hand in PIT fleet had to create their own lodge. After certification, IAM immediately created 141m to divide mechs from fleet.
Hummmm, division implies the opposite of union, yes?
And unless IAM AGC's lie

, 141 did indeed bail 141M out financially.
So far as cannon fodder, which group represented by the same union lost recall rights and which one didn't?