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District 141 Meets with United, Secures Wage Increases for Members Working Under Modified Contracts

Kev3188 said:
Not a bad theory... Until you go from working 40 a week to 20-25...
But  there is no cap now, thats what is making go with it. Its a coin toss and that blows because it's peoples lives
Once again they are NOT in Section 6 negotiations, what is so hard to get that fact?

Bottom line is the members voted for TA2 and UA approached the IAM for Limited negotiations to improve QOL.

T5s own admission stated they tried the PT deal and it failed at UA.

So vote it down and have the ramp decimated in 2018.

47 protected stations vs 7, plus a $4 raise, no brainier.
Kev3188 said:
Your not liking my responses doesn't mean I haven't answered.
And they are inept; their track record speaks for itself.
Inferring I'm an anarchist, have sour grapes, and resemble everyone's favorite ex-pat deacon isn't going to make me change my answers...
Not trying to manipulate a change from you. Trying to wake you up. Because at least on this issue I think you're asleep at the wheel.
Kev3188 said:
An NC with some vision would've made that exact point; people's careers/lives will definitely be affected.
Really? "Vision" lol.
700UW said:
Once again they are NOT in Section 6 negotiations, what is so hard to get that fact?

Bottom line is the members voted for TA2 and UA approached the IAM for Limited negotiations to improve QOL.

T5s own admission stated they tried the PT deal and it failed at UA.

So vote it down and have the ramp decimated in 2018.

47 protected stations vs 7, plus a $4 raise, no brainier.
It's already decimated; this just helps accelerate the next step, and makes it a bit more palatable than Smisek's version.
Kev3188 said:
It's already decimated; this just helps accelerate the next step, and makes it a bit more palatable than Smisek's version.
It does no such thing, wow, have you been replaced with a WT version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers?
It protects 40 more stations, and improves QOL issues among the IAM represented employees at UA.
Kev3188 said:
It's already decimated; this just helps accelerate the next step, and makes it a bit more palatable than Smisek's version.
Going from 7 down to 2 would be acceleration to destruction.

Going from 7 up to 47 is called a dramatic improvement Kev.

Did I also mention the hundreds of jobs for Express work?
Kev3188 said:
Yes, really.
Put it to you this way. If you were negotiating on my behalf and I was under their situation and you refused to bring this offer back to me, you would be absolutely misrepresenting me and all the members you swore to defend and represent.

And if I could get the documentation to prove you did this, I would throw the biggest DFR suit I could ever find at you. Or do everything in my power humanly possible to see you removed and maybe even try and find out where you live for ruining my life if they close my Station and I run out of options to maintain a job somewhere.

And BTW if you were negotiating you would get no better offer at all. And the fact you won't answer for how that's untrue tells me all I need to know.
Kev3188 said:
You guys keep saying that name and he's gonna show back up, Beetlejuice-style...
Dude you really are wearing his shoes with this issue. No joke.

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