On 5/13/2003 10
57 AM texflyer wrote:
"I,or we the customer are your boss."
NO YOU ARE NOT! YOU ARE THE CUSTOMER! Read, "Nuts" if you want SWA's Herb Kellehers opinion on the subject. You buy a service, not an employee.
"You may not like it,fine,someone will form an airline that meets our needs (Jetblue comes to mind). That is the free market."
THIS IS NOT A FREE MARKET! The mainline carriers typically pay significantly more for the same government services.
"SWA employees may make the same as you do NOW,but I doubt you ar as efficient as they are (per SWA)."
Actually on a cost per RPM basis, UAL's pilots were among the most efficient in the industry. If you then correct the numbers for seating configuration (our widebodies have about 65% of the seat they are capable of holding "SWA Style", NB fleet is at 80-85%), the gulf widens. The hub and spoke model also, to some extent, dictates lower efficiencies, but pays back typically with a 1.3 revenue multiplier. That's the reason FRNT and Valudeath are going so far as contracting out RJ flying to "feed" their hubs
"Please spare me the elitist,"we want to be treated with respect",code for leave our salaries alone. Fine,but the market dictates that something must be done.........It appears many employees here ALONG with management just want to stick their heads into ground hoping it just passes over."
Were did I mention "respect". I'M NO LONGER FLYING FOR AN AIRLINE, I'M NOW A "CONSUMER", I'M JUST NOT STUPID ENOUGH TO THINK THIS INDUSTRY WILL CONTINUE TO ATTRACT QUALITY AT SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER WAGES. I'm am honestly afraid of what this industryt will become in ten years if things don't change (I'll have to buy a Winnebago), and I foresee the news interviews were the enlightened like yourself keep asking "Why didn't the government protect us, how did they let this happen"
On 5/13/2003 10

"I,or we the customer are your boss."
NO YOU ARE NOT! YOU ARE THE CUSTOMER! Read, "Nuts" if you want SWA's Herb Kellehers opinion on the subject. You buy a service, not an employee.
"You may not like it,fine,someone will form an airline that meets our needs (Jetblue comes to mind). That is the free market."
THIS IS NOT A FREE MARKET! The mainline carriers typically pay significantly more for the same government services.
"SWA employees may make the same as you do NOW,but I doubt you ar as efficient as they are (per SWA)."
Actually on a cost per RPM basis, UAL's pilots were among the most efficient in the industry. If you then correct the numbers for seating configuration (our widebodies have about 65% of the seat they are capable of holding "SWA Style", NB fleet is at 80-85%), the gulf widens. The hub and spoke model also, to some extent, dictates lower efficiencies, but pays back typically with a 1.3 revenue multiplier. That's the reason FRNT and Valudeath are going so far as contracting out RJ flying to "feed" their hubs
"Please spare me the elitist,"we want to be treated with respect",code for leave our salaries alone. Fine,but the market dictates that something must be done.........It appears many employees here ALONG with management just want to stick their heads into ground hoping it just passes over."
Were did I mention "respect". I'M NO LONGER FLYING FOR AN AIRLINE, I'M NOW A "CONSUMER", I'M JUST NOT STUPID ENOUGH TO THINK THIS INDUSTRY WILL CONTINUE TO ATTRACT QUALITY AT SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER WAGES. I'm am honestly afraid of what this industryt will become in ten years if things don't change (I'll have to buy a Winnebago), and I foresee the news interviews were the enlightened like yourself keep asking "Why didn't the government protect us, how did they let this happen"
Ignorance is Bliss