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TAESL management trying to get tough

Well to dispute the management lover xmarlin about the parking lot situation at clock out I now have pictures and am going to post them for your viewing pleasure to see what situation management has created in hteir infinate wisdom.

View attachment 7885
And now for the icing on the cake we have a picture of management buffons revelling in the situation they created . Just before this picture was taken the one smiling with his head turned in the middle was heard saying that we deserved all the problems they were creating for us.

View attachment 7887
Whats the matter xmarlin? Kinda hard to dispute the pictures isnt it. No speeding, no tailgaiting just waiting in line.
Trolling "Mr." "Dissident"

I'll nibble on this one but no more.

I didn't witness yesterday's event where the pictures were taken, but it's obvious that yesterday's dynamics were different from the days before. (The date and time on your pictures being evidence) Clearly, the company was forced to put up the cones in the middle of the street and assign security guards to police the intersection with "slow" and "stop" signs as evidenced in picture numeber 2. One can only presume that they were foced to do so because the behavior I alluded to exhibited on Monday and Tuesday supports my original observation and they felt compelled to do so for fear that the reckless behavior wold lead to an injury.

I stand by my earlier comments...and just so you know...my "desk" is red, has wheels on it and contains my tools of the trade. Been that way for longer than you can imagine.

As to your comment about blowing horns because the mechanics were mad; why not try lying down on the floor in your shop and throwing a temper tantrum? Maybe you can stamp your feet and threaten to hold your breath. Let me know how that works out for you.

The beauty of the internet is it allows Keyboard Kommandos to rant. I've lurked here for awhile and have to give you credit where it's due. You're one of the best. Good luck.

In the meantime, on this topic we're done.
Sorry, meant to add picture #1 and #2. Picture # 1 shows the security guard with the sign having to control the intersection.
Trolling "Mr." "Dissident"

I'll nibble on this one but no more.

I didn't witness yesterday's event where the pictures were taken, but it's obvious that yesterday's dynamics were different from the days before. (The date and time on your pictures being evidence) Clearly, the company was forced to put up the cones in the middle of the street and assign security guards to police the intersection with "slow" and "stop" signs as evidenced in picture numeber 2. One can only presume that they were foced to do so because the behavior I alluded to exhibited on Monday and Tuesday supports my original observation and they felt compelled to do so for fear that the reckless behavior wold lead to an injury.

I stand by my earlier comments...and just so you know...my "desk" is red, has wheels on it and contains my tools of the trade. Been that way for longer than you can imagine.

As to your comment about blowing horns because the mechanics were mad; why not try lying down on the floor in your shop and throwing a temper tantrum? Maybe you can stamp your feet and threaten to hold your breath. Let me know how that works out for you.

The beauty of the internet is it allows Keyboard Kommandos to rant. I've lurked here for awhile and have to give you credit where it's due. You're one of the best. Good luck.

In the meantime, on this topic we're done.
company suck ass
Enough said. Another Keyboard Kommando.

Almost 18 months later and you still can't find a job?

iluvaa search past posts.

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Find Member's Posts Posted on: Nov 20 2007, 10:03 PM


Group: Registered Member
Posts: 42
Joined: 22-March 07
Member No.: 10,823

QUOTE (FWAAA @ Nov 20 2007, 10:40 AM)
I'm happy for you. You're living the American dream exactly the way we evil Republicans (I'm Exhibit A in that category) keep saying everybody can. Good for you!

im a republican also and a believer in the lord I want whats best for all i am ok with my life and im ok with giving others whats good for them to live good. i have a hard time listening to the lazy folks around me saying they need more. I am currently looking for other employment I dont want to work here any more, its not hard work its the people i have a hard time with. I have do do whats right for me and i dont want to surround my self with people that dont get it. they just hate life. If you cant make it here on 32 an hr u cant make it on 50 so i hope im not here to vote on anything but if i am sry line guys cause tul wont give u nothing because they only worry about themsleves. I will take any job outside of here if the pay is close