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Dip & Exit Financing

PineyBob said:
Thanks Dell,

All these years and i thought those brownish stains were something else. Well you live and learn.

BTW do you know where I can trade in my rusty iron ones for a set of nice shiney brass ones?

Ask PitBull; she's got big ol' brass ones to spare! :lol:
PineyBob said:
Eat me! I haven't made ONE negative comment regarding PIT in 90 days or more. Clearly judging from your response I struck a nerve

Well, I admit to having a soft spot in my heart for the little patch of Western PA I called home for 10 years, and it's amazing just how many times in the past 90 days that pointless and baseless shots have been taken at it.

I mean, all those union nasties, and yet 11 Fortune 1000 companies are headquartered there, and something like 20 more have major divisional HQs in the area. I don't know how they survive with all the attitude and so forth that the antiquated labor mongers, who of course represent the attitude and perspective of 2 or 3 million people, are all angry and/or crying into their Iron while thinking about US Airways......

That said, I will happily vote "Xidas for County Executive" when/if the line ever appears on my absentee ballot 😛 .

Just for the record Clue I'm smarter than very few people. What I do posess is a pair of iron balls. balls beats brains about 75% of the time.

One without the other is like ying without yang, Philly without cheesesteak, and Sunday without the Stillers.
delldude said:

Has to be true and/or profiting from it right?

Not just full of hot air with no profit potential.
I wonder if this is true, and an investor(s) exist if we can fix this place, if the same applies if we cannot. I would be willing to guess that is the case.

As the same assets, sans issues would be an interesting startup

jetBlue started with what, 175Mill, an handful of planes, and some JFK slots? Seems to me that parts of what is now US Airways would do real well if recycled.

Something to think about before you start writing off everything as doomed to extinction.
"What I do posess is a pair of iron balls. balls beats brains about 75% of the time."

delldude said:
hey brainiac...trade 'em in for a set of brass balls...they'll keep the rust stains outa your undies.....

I do not remember the last time I just sat here and laughed, really laughed. Thanks guys. That was a great one.
Rico said:
As the same assets, sans issues would be an interesting startup

jetBlue started with what, 175Mill, an handful of planes, and some JFK slots? Seems to me that parts of what is now US Airways would do real well if recycled.

You are forgetting three of the most important things: jetBlue started with (1) good management and without (2) a track record of gouging its customers for a decade or two and (3) a plethora of high-cost regional operations. They also didn't owe about $700 million in loans guaranteed by the government. Part of the reason jetBlue became popular with New Yorkers was because they were charging $100 for mainline jet service on routes to upstate New York where US Airways had been charging $300-400 for props!

And whether you want to claim that the "PIT mentality" or PHL "attitude" or whatever is the reason for US Airways' problems, Clue By Four is still correct in that employee wage cuts will not save the airline by themselves.
Winglet said:
The truth is that it doesn't matter what the labor costs are. Lakefield's team isn't smart enough to make the airline viable regardless of employee costs.

Track record would indicate this to be correct assumption. This is why I don't feel the future of US is as important as some do.
PineyBob said:
Supposedly not only is financing in place it is ready to go as soon as the ink is dry on the CBA's. The open question is whether US will remain a free standing company or be sold.

It all hinges on US meeting certain cost targets.
good post piney!! To the point, and factual!! what are we not understanding here folks?? This is not rocket science!!!!

Yea Bob, everybody is in on "the act". Sure, there is financing if labor gets gutted and pensions are gone.

These lenders have been convinced by this managment that they will get ALL from labor.

Guess what, though?

Yup. It will come, if managment doesn't bargain.

Can you school managment on "good faith"? If not, then U is a SUNK SHIP.

And I know about the DIP financing.... as I told the poster who wrote me..

TUFF $%&T!

PS: Oh, forgot...ya never know if there is a "white knight" coming soon to a theater near you.... :up: :lol:
I don't like it anymore than you do...but.. it's coming from labor whethter you like it or not... stand your ground.. unfortunately, this is what the state of the labor movement has come to...........nothing!!! thats why I left, and you have to take the "bull by the horns"....Working for a "company" today is suicidal!!!! THERE IS LIFE AFTER USAIRWAYS!!!!!!!!! GOOD DAY!!!!!

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