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Us Airways Update - December 25


May 18, 2003
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 The company told the bankruptcy court last Wednesday that it lost $58.3 million from November 1 through November 30, which is almost $2 million per day. In addition, the company told the court it had $823 million in unrestricted cash on November 30, which is above the threshold required by the ATSB to maintain its bankruptcy financing.

 US Airways closed on the first phase of its financing deal with GE last week. The agreement provides the company with $140 million in bridge financing. The first part of the deal closed on Monday where US Airway gained access to $55 million. The company immediately withdrew $20 million and now must meet a series of tests by January 14, such as securing additional cost cuts and finding an additional $100 million in concessions or investment.

 The company scheduled a bankruptcy hearing for January 13 to discuss its "continued use" of bankruptcy financing backed by the ATSB and to present the court with a new agreement with various loan guarantee lenders for continued use of the funds. US Airways’ use of that money is scheduled to expire on January 14. It’s my understanding that Ron Stanley and his department has obtained all required financing, provided the AFA and IAM fully participate in the new business plan, either via consensual or imposed new labor accords.

 The IAM and the company continue to discuss concessions. The unit representing the FSA met with the company last week, while the unit representing mechanics did not meet face-to-face. The company has yet to deliver an official counterproposal to a union December 16 IAM-M proposal but dialogue continues between the parties. US Airways is seeking about $353 million per year, up from $263 million from the three IAM units.

 The AFA tentative agreement vote count is scheduled for January 5. Judge Stephen Mitchell said he will rule on the company’s S.1113/S.1114 motion on January 6 for any union without a new labor accord.

 US Airways will likely announce the closure of one of its two reservation call centers in early January, with Pittsburgh the most likely to be closed. This will leave the company with one reservation facility that will be located in Winston-Salem. Separately, do not be surprised if the airline opens a reservations sales center in El Salvador where it currently has an EDS/Sabre facility.

 US Airways was not the only airline who had problems over the holiday. Today Comair cancelled 100% of their flights due to a computer problem.

Complete Story

 It’s my understanding that US Airways management is thoroughly investigating the PHL and F/A sick call problems and there could be severe actions taken against any employee who did not comply with the corporate ethics program.

 According to a colleague of mine, “The other day we landed in PVD and a man, as he was deplaning, handed each of us a McDonald's gift certificate packet. On the cover was this sticker: "Happy Holidays from FFOCUS". In small print was the explanation of FFOCUS: Frequent Flyers Organized and Committed to US Airways Success. Awesome!"


There was not dialogue between IAM-M&R, the information reported by the PIT paper was wrong.
700UW said:
There was not dialogue between IAM-M&R, the information reported by the PIT paper was wrong.

Bet it was the Post Gazette, right?
"It’s my understanding that US Airways management is thoroughly investigating the PHL and F/A sick call problems and there could be severe actions taken against any employee who did not comply with the corporate ethics program."

OH NO. Corporate Ethics program? Now is the perfect time to go after the unethical in this corporation. Starting with a 320 pilot who posts confidential information so he can say "You heard it here first".

Hooray for ethics!!!!!
Yes it was in the Post Gazette.

They are mad because the IAM is basically on a media blackout in regard to the negotiations.
700 and Pitbull...

I want no more accusations of "missing management" from you two. Obviously, they were on the job Christmas Eve--well, on the phone--feeding A320managementtoady his latest set of company blather to post. :lol:
After drinking too much spiked Egg Nog?
USA320Pilot said:
 It’s my understanding that US Airways management is thoroughly investigating the PHL and F/A sick call problems and there could be severe actions taken against any employee who did not comply with the corporate ethics program.


Investigate all you want. If a F/A is sick, they should call in sick. My wife called in sick, and has a doctors note to prove what she had. My bet is pretty much every other F/A who called in sick will have a doctors note also. Yeah, investigate the problem. The fact of the matter is, when your morale is down, when you are dealing with stress at the work place, you are much more likely to get sick. Add to that very few of us, U employees or the pax we deal with, have had a flu shot, and you will have more people getting sick this year.
michael707767 said:
Investigate all you want. If a F/A is sick, they should call in sick. My wife called in sick, and has a doctors note to prove what she had. My bet is pretty much every other F/A who called in sick will have a doctors note also. Yeah, investigate the problem. The fact of the matter is, when your morale is down, when you are dealing with stress at the work place, you are much more likely to get sick. Add to that very few of us, U employees or the pax we deal with, have had a flu shot, and you will have more people getting sick this year.


for what i understand its not wages what the company wants its work rule changes : like
f/a cleaning planes between flights (turn arrounds) use f/a to collect ticketts at the jetway (boarding) and tag and send down the chute, bags too big for o/h bins
saving utility personnel+ csa personnel= less cost.

by the way ; its the same with the mechanics. and the pilots
The FAs all ready "tidy" at 25 cities, the new T/A has a side letter for them to do more "tidying" except where it interfers with another union's CBA, ie. Mechanic and Related contract where Utility is staffed at the eight cities on 1st and 2nd shift.

And the FAs NEVER pulled tickets, it was in their contract but never done.