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Exit Financing & The Future

USA320Pilot said:
Before I discuss exit financing, I believe it is important to note there seems to be more to the story that runs deep into an industry-wide restructuring, which is probably why we are still operating.

America West CEO expects to participate in mergers
Thu Feb 10, 2005 12:55 PM ET
By Kyle Peterson
PHOENIX, Feb 10 (Reuters) - America West Airlines (AWA.N: Quote, Profile, Research) expects a wave of mergers to sweep U.S. low cost carriers, thinning out the crowded industry, its chief executive said on Thursday, adding that he sees his company participating.

Ah huh,

AWA is one foot in bankruptcy, the other foot in spotlight. If I were them I would be looking at how to continue to operate profitably, so as to increase longevity in the industry.

Would UAir and AWA work? Yes, but UAL and UAir would be a better structual match as would NWA and UAir.

Will any of it happen?

I learned one thing about this industry 25 years ago...anything is possible.

Should we change our view of the world over speculation like this? NO

Our only next right thing is to pull together and help make UAir a viable franchise, from that, the best results will occur be it stand alone, merge, aqusistion, etc.

deltawatch said:
America West CEO expects to participate in mergers
Thu Feb 10, 2005 12:55 PM ET
By Kyle Peterson
PHOENIX, Feb 10 (Reuters) - America West Airlines (AWA.N: Quote, Profile, Research) expects a wave of mergers to sweep U.S. low cost carriers, thinning out the crowded industry, its chief executive said on Thursday, adding that he sees his company participating.

Would the rank and file US Airways employees go along with some type of merger with another airline if it required some realignment of the contracts to integrate the two airlines together?

Just wondering.

PITbull said:
I thought this topic was about exit financing and the future?
If you folks take a moment to stop about talking "aircraft", Dr. Bronner said not only in the media, but at an MEC meeting in CLT last March that if labor stepped up to the plate and came to the table and the company received the necessary cost savings from labor ($800 million at that time), he would consider putting more money in USAirways.

Not only did USAirways reach the labor cost targets they demanded, but while in bk, they captured $1.1 billion this "go round".

When this question was posed to lakefield just recently, his response was, Dr. Bronner lost $250 million....

Dr. Bronner didn't lose it, he wrote it off and still has controling interest in this airline.


Give us the exist financing needed!


If what you said Bonner said is verbatim "he would consider putting more money in USAirways" then I guess the key out for him is "consider"

When you write something off it is still a loss.