riptide44 said:
I have not posted on USAviation for sometime now, and I hope this message is acknowleged and answered by the Moderator. Information to send email msgs to the DOL was a thread that has been removed.....Why? Moderator, please respond.
On August 12, 2004, the U.S. Department of Labor
ordered a ballot count of 16 ballots that the DOL had
determined had been improperly/illegally excluded from
the original ballot count in the APFA presidential
election in March. After the DOL counted those 16
ballots, the outcome of the election shifted from
APFA's original determination in which John Ward
prevailed by 5 votes. The new, DOL-certified results
proved that in fact Tommie Hutto-Blake won this
election by 7 votes.
In a desperate attempt to hang onto that which is not
his, John Ward and his people are calling and writing
the DOL expressing their unhappiness at the outcome of
today's ballot count. They are demanding that the DOL
order an entirely new election for the office of APFA
President. If you are as outraged as I am at the
prospect of APFA spending tens of thousands more of
our dues dollars in conducting YET ANOTHER election,
after the Department of Labor has already concluded
that Tommie Hutto Blake is the legitimate winner of
that election, please make your feelings known to the
DOL. Let the DOL know that you, as a member in good
standing of APFA, request that the results of today's
DOL-certified ballot count be imposed upon APFA, so
that we can all move forward with a focus upon our
next negotiations, and put the current divisions
within our union behind us once and for all.
Please help by forwarding this message and doing the
emails to the DOL should be directed to: