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Did Ward's Supporters Get The Threads Moved?


Dec 20, 2003
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I noticed that the threads (about how Ward seeking another election so that he can keep his cushioning job) has moved.

So, don't forget to keep the calls and emails to the DOL to let the vote stand- TOMMY has the winner.
I sent a note to the moderators asking why my thread, Urgent! Contact the DOL today, was moved from American Airlines forum to the generic Labor & Union Issues thread. Have not received a reply.

In the meantime, if you need a template for your letter to the DOL, you can find it under the above thread title on the Labor & Union Issues forum.
jimntx said:
I sent a note to the moderators asking why my thread, Urgent! Contact the DOL today, was moved from American Airlines forum to the generic Labor & Union Issues thread. Have not received a reply.
I believe that there was an earlier thread questioning this move; however, it vanished without a trace by the time that I got to it.
It was the right thing to do in my opinion. Leave all the union topics in one area. We can still discuss whatever you want about union topics under a specific area. Why make everyone outside APFA have to read about union business when the topic is about AA. Its not about Ward supporters getting what they want, I think Ward should step down but I still support moving the APFA threads off the main American Airlines area.
Looks like john ward has more power than any of us thought....
MiAAmi said:
Why make everyone outside APFA have to read about union business when the topic is about AA. Its not about Ward supporters getting what they want, I think Ward should step down but I still support moving the APFA threads off the main American Airlines area.

And what, pray tell, beside the flight attendant shortage and Sept. bid leaves has been discussed on the AA forum that others need not read. Even the shortage issue hasn't had a post in 2 days.

And, using your argument why should people who are interested in general Labor and Union Issues have to read through posts that are directed at one airline and one union that has no affiliation with any other union or union organization?

Still think the APFA mess should be a topic on AA forum. Or, a direct link to the topic should be provided from the AA forum. Instead, the moderators just moved it without any way to find it without extensive searching.
By the way, I have heard from several people who were JW supporters in both the election and the run-off. Not one of them thinks that a new election should be held. Their feeling is THB won, that's it.

Let's hope that feeling prevails.
MiAAmi said:
Why make everyone outside APFA have to read about union business when the topic is about AA.

Who says that everything on here - that everyone has to read? If it is in the title that it was about the DOL or voting then I think people are smart enough if they don't want to read it - don't open it up.
Obviously that assumes to much for here. The person who brought it up and complained was I guess not bright enough to just over look it. No one forces anyone to come here, or to read any thread. Now I cannot just discuss issues about where I work, wondering whether the thread will be moved in order to protect the non union and jw supporters. What are the new rules no union words letters or issues on the airline boards. Now if something is of intrest there is one stop I should have to shuttle around for issues about a single company, union and work group. I just don't see how it is not relevant to this board. So reallly, why stop there? Lets have one for AFA, APA, ALPA, TWU etc. That way the people who don't want to read about something or care about it can have a easy time here.

All the people who are passionate and post and bring the traffic to this site can jump from area to area so the other don't have to see anything about unions. How special is that. It may just be more trouble than its worth. So by pandering to the low volume user you lose the traffic and numbers that you use for advertising and web search placement.

I look for easy and accessibility. If I have to hunt around for issues involving my company and union. I say what is the point.

One other thing to note. Had we not had the postings about the DOL and APFA. What else would have been said and what else would have been disused on the AA board? Nothing.
jimntx said:
And what, pray tell, beside the flight attendant shortage and Sept. bid leaves has been discussed on the AA forum that others need not read. Even the shortage issue hasn't had a post in 2 days.

And, using your argument why should people who are interested in general Labor and Union Issues have to read through posts that are directed at one airline and one union that has no affiliation with any other union or union organization?

Still think the APFA mess should be a topic on AA forum. Or, a direct link to the topic should be provided from the AA forum. Instead, the moderators just moved it without any way to find it without extensive searching.
I have not posted on USAviation for sometime now, and I hope this message is acknowleged and answered by the Moderator. Information to send email msgs to the DOL was a thread that has been removed.....Why? Moderator, please respond.
riptide44 said:
I have not posted on USAviation for sometime now, and I hope this message is acknowleged and answered by the Moderator. Information to send email msgs to the DOL was a thread that has been removed.....Why? Moderator, please respond.
On August 12, 2004, the U.S. Department of Labor
ordered a ballot count of 16 ballots that the DOL had
determined had been improperly/illegally excluded from
the original ballot count in the APFA presidential
election in March. After the DOL counted those 16
ballots, the outcome of the election shifted from
APFA's original determination in which John Ward
prevailed by 5 votes. The new, DOL-certified results
proved that in fact Tommie Hutto-Blake won this
election by 7 votes.

In a desperate attempt to hang onto that which is not
his, John Ward and his people are calling and writing
the DOL expressing their unhappiness at the outcome of
today's ballot count. They are demanding that the DOL
order an entirely new election for the office of APFA
President. If you are as outraged as I am at the
prospect of APFA spending tens of thousands more of
our dues dollars in conducting YET ANOTHER election,
after the Department of Labor has already concluded
that Tommie Hutto Blake is the legitimate winner of
that election, please make your feelings known to the
DOL. Let the DOL know that you, as a member in good
standing of APFA, request that the results of today's
DOL-certified ballot count be imposed upon APFA, so
that we can all move forward with a focus upon our
next negotiations, and put the current divisions
within our union behind us once and for all.

Please help by forwarding this message and doing the

emails to the DOL should be directed to:

The original thread, Urgent! Contact the DOL today, has been returned to the American Airlines forum.
If all of the AMFA/twu topics have to be on the union board so should the F/A union topics as well!!!!!
jimntx said:
The original thread, Urgent! Contact the DOL today, has been returned to the American Airlines forum.
Thank you Moderator and thanks to jimntx!
I hope this board may continue to be informational.....both sides included.
Problems lie within those that post emotionally.....Facts are welcome, opinions are welcome. My hope is that we can post without name calling, mud slinging, and without personal degradation. The facts tell all.....be informed...and be involved. That is the only way to make change.
The truth will be told and truth is becoming more apparent within the DOL documents.
riptide44 said:
Thank you Moderator and thanks to jimntx!
I hope this board may continue to be informational.....both sides included.
Problems lie within those that post emotionally.....Facts are welcome, opinions are welcome. My hope is that we can post without name calling, mud slinging, and without personal degradation. The facts tell all.....be informed...and be involved. That is the only way to make change.
The truth will be told and truth is becoming more apparent within the DOL documents.

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