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Recall John Ward

Will you sign a petition to recall John Ward?

  • 1. Yeah

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  • 2. No

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Garfield1966 said:
you have no clue
Yes, I know who you're. In fact several people on this board know who you're.

Did you let the door slam you in the a$$, when AA FIRED YOU? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
LiveInAHotel said:
Yes, I know who you're. In fact several people on this board know who you're.

Did you let the door slam you in the a$$, when AA FIRED YOU? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I guess Hotel thinks if he repeats it enough, somehow, somebody, will believe him.

Not likely.
Can someone explain what making people think I was fired does? I've been trying to figure out what his motive is but nothing makes sense. No one here seems to believe him. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm fresh out.

I do not think it bothers me what people think. I only value the opinions of those who I respect and trust. It's more entertaining than anything else but it does bug me when I don't know why something is done and this has no logical explanation as far as I can tell. Now given the source that may be all I can hope for but even an idiot has to have a reason. Don't they?
Garfield1966 said:
Now given the source that may be all I can hope for but even an idiot has to have a reason. Don't they?
Does it really matter garf?

You've done the internet equivalent of asking him to step outside, but he's still hiding in the bathroom.

How long are you gonna stay out in the cold, waiting for him to come out?

Isn't your time better spent trying to get John Kerry 30% of the Texas vote? :up:
Since this thread that Hotel started on the competency of JW to hold APFA office has now deteriorated to its present point,

Why don't those of us who are aware of the Troll status of Hotel just stop feeding him?

Maybe the Moderators will bid him good-bye and we can have fun looking for his re-incarnation.
upsilon said:
Since this thread that Hotel started on the competency of JW to hold APFA office has now deteriorated to its present point,

Why don't those of us who are aware of the Troll status of Hotel just stop feeding him?

Maybe the Moderators will bid him good-bye and we can have fun looking for his re-incarnation.

He will just come back as someone else (as we suspect he already has). Screwing around with a moron is entertainment for me. Sorry, it's one of my personality flaws.


Have you ever known me to give up on anything? Nuff said.
twasilverbullet said:
Stop picking on Hotel!

If you all want respect then give some!
He has already lied twice that we can prove. Once about the NRT trip and the second about me getting fired. He badgers and threatens people. He is ignorant and repetitive. When called out, he becomes verbally abusive and evasive.

Respect is earned, and he is not even close.
Garfield1966 said:
He has already lied twice that we can prove.
You can't prove anything I have said. You have no clue who, what or were I'm. The only reason some of us know your true identity is that we all had something to do at your hearing. You got s**t canned and it has pissed you off to an ultimate high.

Upsilon, you're not worth the toilet paper I use to wipe my a$$! :up:
There was a hearing? You must be kidding me. We do not have union representation remember? If someone is going to be terminated my manager calls that individual into her office and fires them. There is no hearing. If that individual were to grieve the termination, their might be one then but I even doubt that. You seem to know very little about Crew Scheduling and how the non-union portion of this company operate.

You do not sound like you have been with the company 27 years as you claim. You write like a child. You may be 27 years old. Your language skills and ability to convey your thoughts are infantile. Anyone here can look at your writing in comparison to Upsilon, L1011, or others and see that. I shudder to think that you went through the public education system and this is all it could produce.

No I do not know who, what or where you are. I could care less. You have no effect on my life other than to provide entertainment and one more reason to post on this URL. I do not cover your base (I hope) and you have lost credibility with nearly everyone on this site. You obviously have no idea who I am and it is painfully obvious to all that post here. I have challenged you on numerous occasions to give any manner of proof as to my identity and you have failed to offer even a shred of evidence as you attempted to do with Fly.

So again, I challenge you. Post my last initial. One letter. You have a 1 in 26 chance of getting it right. Even better odds if you ignore unlikely letters like Z, Y, Q … etc. That’s all you have to do. I know you will not. You will, yet again, reply with insults and accusations, void of any relevant content or intelligent thought as you always do. I could be wrong but I doubt it.
Ok, Live and Gar, go to your rooms. And don't come out until you can kiss and make up and say to each other, "I love you."
jimntx said:
Ok, Live and Gar, go to your rooms. And don't come out until you can kiss and make up and say to each other, "I love you."

Sorry Jim but that is not going to happen in this life time. Hotel has made accusations that he cannot back up. I’m taking him to the mat on this.

All Hotel has to do is post one simple letter. It has become a matter of principle for me. I know he is lying, he knows he is lying. He has already admitted that he was WRX. He has come back as the same bombastic moron that he was before. He lies, attempts to intimidate (did not work with me as I am still posting on this board). He evades simple questions and then turns around and hurls insults.

While people may not agree with my opinions, I have never fabricated a story (like his NRT lay over). As long as he continues to post his drivel, I will be here to expose him for the simpleton that he is. He knows that he cannot argue with me base on facts. I already exposed him once that way already.

I am here to stay.
Garfield1966 said:
While people may not agree with my opinions, I have never fabricated a story (like his NRT lay over). As long as he continues to post his drivel, I will be here to expose him for the simpleton that he is. He knows that he cannot argue with me base on facts. I already exposed him once that way already.

I am here to stay.

I never fabricated anything about a trip to NRT. I only flew NRT once while I was on Intl' and I hated it, in fact I'm now back on domestic! Please show the post you say I made. I have no idea what WRX is or what it does.

The comment you made about "I'm here to stay." Only on the board but you're long gone from AA.

You're so full of **** it's coming out of your ears! Now run along and be a good cat.
If you would read the cartoon you would realize that Garfield is not a “goodâ€￾ cat.

Again I challenge you. Put up or shut up. All you have to do is post one single letter. Post either my first or last initial. You can even send me a personal message. I realize it is nearly impossible for you to reply to anyone without evading their question and/or insulting them but how hard can it be to post one letter? You just cannot do it can you. You did substantially more with Fly. Leads me to believe that you just don’t have the goods. The more you evade and insult the more everyone on this board will realize that you are merely a wind bag who has nothing substantive to add to any conversation and that most of what you propagate are merely lies that you have concocted in your miniscule little mind.

After this is settled we can move one to any questions you may have.
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