There was a hearing? You must be kidding me. We do not have union representation remember? If someone is going to be terminated my manager calls that individual into her office and fires them. There is no hearing. If that individual were to grieve the termination, their might be one then but I even doubt that. You seem to know very little about Crew Scheduling and how the non-union portion of this company operate.
You do not sound like you have been with the company 27 years as you claim. You write like a child. You may be 27 years old. Your language skills and ability to convey your thoughts are infantile. Anyone here can look at your writing in comparison to Upsilon, L1011, or others and see that. I shudder to think that you went through the public education system and this is all it could produce.
No I do not know who, what or where you are. I could care less. You have no effect on my life other than to provide entertainment and one more reason to post on this URL. I do not cover your base (I hope) and you have lost credibility with nearly everyone on this site. You obviously have no idea who I am and it is painfully obvious to all that post here. I have challenged you on numerous occasions to give any manner of proof as to my identity and you have failed to offer even a shred of evidence as you attempted to do with Fly.
So again, I challenge you. Post my last initial. One letter. You have a 1 in 26 chance of getting it right. Even better odds if you ignore unlikely letters like Z, Y, Q … etc. That’s all you have to do. I know you will not. You will, yet again, reply with insults and accusations, void of any relevant content or intelligent thought as you always do. I could be wrong but I doubt it.