Democrats.....the gift that keeps on giving

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700UW said:
Brilliant candidate?
Which part made Hillary brilliant? Her part in trying to cover up what happened in Benghazi? The Clinton Foundation scandal? Fast and Furious? Her support for the train wreck that is ObamaCare? Keeping top secret documents on a private server?
Please Tree tell us how BRILLIANT Hillary is. Tell us of her many many accomplishments.
You really are a fool Tree.
Talk about wearing blinders......................
Just another example of a libtard showing blind devotion to a mouthpiece of the socialist/communist agenda despite their many crimes.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You really are a fool Tree.
Talk about wearing blinders......................
Just another example of a libtard showing blind devotion to a mouthpiece of the socialist/communist agenda despite their many crimes.
If you could actually comprehend what you read, Tree is gone and is in the cornfield.

Simply amazing the lack of comprehension by the conservatards.
700UW said:
If you could actually comprehend what you read, Tree is gone and is in the cornfield.
Simply amazing the lack of comprehension by the conservatards.
You all look the same to me.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Brilliant candidate?
Which part made Hillary brilliant? Her part in trying to cover up what happened in Benghazi? The Clinton Foundation scandal? Fast and Furious? Her support for the train wreck that is ObamaCare? Keeping top secret documents on a private server?
Please Tree tell us how BRILLIANT Hillary is. Tell us of her many many accomplishments.
Now explain to us how BRILLIANT Hillary Clinton is. I challenge you to show us all how BRILLIANT Hillary Clinton is.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I did not ask for a link. I asked YOU to explain to us why Hillary is BRILLIANT.
YOU tell us why YOU think she is BRILLIANT in YOUR own words.
Lets see if this fool can come up with anything besides posting a Google link.
delldude said:
You forgot the 50,000 + emails sent and stored on an illegal, unsecured server.
Or the 150 + extra FBI agents working around the clock to clear Hillary's name.
Sure will be some neat campaign ads highlighting Hillary's 'documented accomplishments'.
Where are the charges?
All the e-mails have been released, Condie's staff and Colin did the same, but thats ok cause they are republicans.
I get it.
I am still waiting 700UW.
If she has so many accomplishments it should not take you this long to post a few. WHAT'S THE HOLD UP?