Democrats.....the gift that keeps on giving

""Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction"

Attempting to preserve tje status quo.

That is conservatism

Southern Democrats in that era were largely not progressive or liberal, but reactionary and "conservative"

You are confusing party with ideology, apparently and historicall ignorant
Ifly2 said:
You are confusing party with ideology, apparently and historicall ignorant
So at specifically what point in time should we all look to discover the (presumably now established) true greatness of the Democratic Party? Please relieve me of my manifest ignorance at your earliest convenience. This should be good for some laughs. ;)
What true greatness of the Democratic Party?

I didn't say that.

Don't think anyone here did.

Another straw man up in flames...
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Kev3188 said:
I used to have a coworker that said the everyday medical care in his home country was better compared to here.

He's Rwandan.
Cuba has gun control and universal healthcare.
What possible reason do they have for wanting to come here?
Can a liberal please explain?
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Another crowning achievement brought to you by the Democrat party.
  U.S. Has Record 10th Straight Year Without 3% Growth in GDP
In the 85 years for which BEA has calculated the annual change in real GDP there is only one ten-year stretch—2006 through 2015—when the annual growth in real GDP never hit 3 percent. 
The average growth rate for economic recoveries since the 1960s is 3.9 percent ranking the Obama recovery, with an average GDP growth rate of just 2.1 percent, among the slowest in history,” said Sen. Dan Coats (R.-Ind,), who chairs the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress.
Before this period, the longest stretch of years when real GDP did not grow by at least 3.0 percent, as calculatd by the BEA, was the four-year stretch from 1930 to 1933—during the Great Depression.
The longest consecutive stretch of years in which the United State saw real GDP grow by 3.0 percent or better was the seven year period from 1983-1989, during the presidency of Ronald Reagan.
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Another crowning achievement brought to you by the party of insanity.

Crack Dealer Freed Early Under Obama Plan Murders Woman, 2 Kids

"A convicted crack dealer who left prison early as part of the Obama administration’s mass release of federal inmates has been indicted by a grand jury for fatally stabbing his ex-girlfriend and her two kids in Columbus, Ohio.

The gory crime drew national attention because the children, ages 7 and 10, were murdered to eliminate them as witnesses in the brutal massacre of their 32-year-old mother"