WorldTraveler said:
of the list of fleets which you listed that don't have the highest thrust engine available, most are PMNW fleets.
Wait what? 738 isn't NW (73) MD90 isn't NW (65) 757 isn't just NW (150+ peak for just Delta) 77Ls aren't NW (10) 763s with Prats aren't NW (to lazy to look it up, ~half the ER fleet and 4 767-300As)
And NW would have the higher thrust 330s if Pratt wouldn't have screwed up. really screwed over NW and KE
WorldTraveler said:
the 757 is already one of the most generously powered aircraft even with 2037 engines.
Okay....but that isn't the highest thrust option.
WorldTraveler said:
DL could have put larger engines on the 738s but what DL has does the job... how many airlines the size of DL have larger engines on the 738.
Well all of AA's 738 (200-300 of them?) have the CFM56-7B27 engines on them (or they did, I assume AA is still going that route)
but again, You said Delta goes with the highest thrust options. Outside of a few 767s and 777 (and the MD88 where they didn't have a choice) they don't. It doesn't matter what other airlines do. You are wrong, quite deflecting
WorldTraveler said:
and, no DL has people in ATL that have determined the 333 cannot leave GRU with a full passenger load and the cargo which is typical of GRU.
Again. Delta has issued memos saying they have requested group V slots at GRU for 330 and 747 use. You want to tell them they are lying talk to them.
You don't have the smallest idea of what you are talking about. I would stop telling the guy who happens to be 320 and 330 qualified that he is wrong.
WorldTraveler said:
DL has not used the 332 to GRU either but has used it to other deep S. America destinations.
Again, can't get Group V slots. 767 is group IV 330/340/777/787/350/744 are Group V.
You bringing the 332 into this shows me you know nothing about what you are talking about. It somewhat funny you think the 333 can't do it. It is just sad that that you think the 332 can't. (and that the 242t 333 would be able to do it, even though Delta's 332s still have longer legs than the 242t 333. Regardless of engine choice.)
As it is, airlines like AF, KL, KE have all used the 330 into GRU on longer routes and all have 68K engines. (KE is PW, AF/KL are GEs) Just some examples.
WorldTraveler said:
the PMNW 330s have not and will not see GRU. Every other widebody including the 744 has been there at one time or another even in not on a scheduled basis.
When has the 747 been to GRU?
WorldTraveler said:
DL's 2nd ATL-GRU flight is fairly new. capacity is adequate now but DL wanted a larger aircraft and also will need it at some point in the future.
And if they do they have the ability to add more 764 capacity well before they would need the big bus.
WorldTraveler said:
DL also has line maintenance at GRU which allows them to work on issues.
and DL mixes the 763 and 764s in/out of Brazil (GRU and GIG) because DL does heavy cabin cleaning there, taking advantage of the extended ground time.
I love how you like to throw out random fact to make it seem like you know what you are talking about.
Delta mixes the 764 into GRU because of capacity needs.
ATL and I believe now MSP also do deep cleans. They aren't sending any aircraft down there just for deep cleans.
WorldTraveler said:
and again, most of the capacity limits at GRU were related to terminal facilities which have largely been addressed with the opening of Terminal 3
That is correct. T3 in 2014. Delta asked for Group V slots in 2011, 2012 and 2013. All three times they were rejected. Delta started ATL-GRU number 2 3/1/14. That would be why they haven't requested any Group V slots for 2014 or 2015.
WorldTraveler said:
much of AA's schedule at GRU is now 773s which seat more than 300 people.
Dude. you make me want to beat my head against the wall.
That doesn't mean jack crap. As you can see
here the 777-200ER and 777-300ER are both group V aircraft. So AA can switch between 777 types without asking for different slots. Delta uses nothing but 767s to GRU which means they must request new slots to go from 767 to any group V aircraft. The 777 and A330 are group V aircraft