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Delta Switches Shuttle To Md-80s

Please show me in my post where I called anyone a liar?

Funny WN and B6 had the planes on order before US ever filed chapter 11.

WN has been expanding on the east coast for almost 10 years. Nothing new about that.

You loved Siegel, when your pension was terminated you wanted to strike and you hated Siegel, then you loved him again.

Your track record speaks for itself.

I'm not going to waste my time doing the research, but I believe in the past you have called people "liars".

I would have to research the numbers, but the LCC's placed significant aircraft orders between US Airways' Banruptcy 1 & 2, including AirTran's B737s, JetBlue's A320 expansion/EMB-190s and other companies too.

In regard to Southwest's expansion, they have grown into seconday East Coast markets, but their PHL expansion was unexpected by most observer's and has hurt US Airways' yield.

Now, aobut the DB pension plan termination, you still do not get it, do you? I'm not surprised.

By the way, the only people I love is my family.

Speaking of track records, what's interesting is that the IAM was the only union to have its contracted terminated. Moreover, its members gave management a concession more than the company's "ask", which the highest percentage "give" over the "ask" for any US Airways union.

When would now be a good time for you to admit your failures and mistakes?



P.S. I'm going to bed -- talk to you later.
When would be a good time to admit you lied about the IAM painful clause?

And if US asked to eliminate 50% of the mainline pilots and have Mesa fly all the A320 and 737s, what would have ALPA done?

You cant ask 50% of the membership to vote themselves out of a job.

And if you actually want to know what happened the judge held in obeyance the abrogation and let the IAM M&R and Fleet vote on final offers, so neither contract was actually abrogated as modified agreements were ratified.

And the Maintenance Training Specialist reached a T/A with the company so their contract was never abrogated either.

And I guess you keep forgeting the MEC during the first bankruptcy allowed the company to terminate your pension without a membership vote, giving the company more then the ASK, guess alpa was first to give more then the ask.

When would it be time to admit you can never take labor's side and always side with management, we all remember how you wanted to shut down US, only to fold once again and get your pom poms out for Dave once again.

Once again don't let the facts get in your way.
Speaking of track records, what's interesting is that the IAM was the only union to have its contracted terminated. Moreover, its members gave management a concession more than the company's "ask", which the highest percentage "give" over the "ask" for any US Airways union.



Captain: I know that your favorite thing to do is to slam the IAM. Let me ask you how many other unions provide me and others like me a pension. I'm talking collecting a pension "right now and for the rest of our life" with the only requirements of being 50 years of age and 10 years of service. This is happening even after two bankruptcies coupled with a few low life scum taking golden parachutes sucking all the cream off the top. Your union has a track record of slaying its own and not supporting other unions. Your union is no real union, it' s just a reflection of the Daves who made millions off the backs of the working poor by slaughtering them with the help of the court system.

You are a legend in your own mind. People with enough brain power to read can see you are just an extension of your union, a long extension that even your union loathes. It’s on the record.

700UW said: "When would be a good time to admit you lied about the IAM painful clause?"

USA320Pilot comments: Who said there was a "painful clause"? I do not remember anybody using the term clause. In regard to pain you still do not understand, what do you call the virtual elimination of Utility, major Fleet Service outsourcing, A330, B767, and B757 heavy maintenance outsourcing, and major shop outsourcing. Moreover, the IAM's negotiating strategy provided its members with the greatest percentage "give" over "ask" for any US Airways union.

If that is not "pain", can you tell me what is?

The purpose of a union is to protect its members and to get the best deal possible. Clearly every US Airways union failed by giving the company a concession more than the company's opener. In my opinion, that is not good.

Todd is right, this thread is drifting and I'm done discussing other issues than the Shuttle in this thread.



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