Delta Reports Financial and Operating Performance for February 2015

topDawg said:
I trust Richard Anderson and Doug Parker on the status of their airlines much, much much more than someone like Jamie Baker, even though Jamie loves to act like he knows more/better.
Seems that you're drinking too much of the DL koolaid, Dawg. The value in guys like Jamie is that they're not afraid to tell the emperor he's wearing no clothes. Are you saying that Richard and Doug are going to air their dirty laundry, or are they going to spin away like WT does?...

Management gets paid to sugar coat and hide bad news. The investment analysts don't.

I'll take independent objectivity over implied bias any day. As an employee, I want to hear the Emperor has no clothes.
Go tell your own boss that they have no clothes, then.

Just because you have some internal fascination with tearing down those who have been successful doesn't mean that your perceptions are anywhere close to right.

I don't have any problems with an outside analyst telling DL mgmt. that they are, but it is the outside analysts who have been repeatedly wrong.... they simply do not have the knowledge of the business to be able to make the right call.

But since you have said one wrong thing after another about DL mgmt.'s decision, it isn't too difficult why you want to see DL mgmt. be proven they are wrong.

I want to see DL mgmt. be right. and I suspect dawg does too.

I have no interest = NONE - in having someone come along who reads a couple of data points and come to a wrong conclusion and call them heroes just because they are outsiders.

You, Jamie Baker, and far too many here, spend way too much time running around like the Pharisees looking for someone else's wrong while failing to admit and recognize your own.
eolesen said:
As an employee, I want to hear the Emperor has no clothes.
As would I (and as a shareholder, for that matter).

I'm much more interested in objective data that shows where we are vs. where we may need to be than more manufactured "good news stories."
and yet you consistently reject any objective competitive assessment here esp. when it comes to any labor related issues.

No one expects sweet whispers in the ear.

But when Wall Street analysts make comments that indicate that they do not understand the industry or DL's pursuit of its own interests in favor of what is good for another airline, then it isn't a surprise that he will be called out and shown to be wrong.

DL is not bound to do anything that is good for the industry but not the best solution for DL.

those are exactly the type of comments that he made and which some have called him out for.